Boy or Girl?

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It's been three months. Three months since we announced I'm pregnant to the country. I'm five months pregnant, and I can definitely tell.
I'm always hungry, and I mean always. Usually it's weird food too. Good food, but weird food. My back hurts so bad sometimes. The hormones are bad too. I get upset really easy. I cry a lot more now. I also yell at Maxon too. He's so sweet though because he usually just listens and says sorry, which makes me cry. He's just so nice! Oh, how could I forget my blimp sized stomach! We're actually worried about the size, so we're going to see the doctor today. I hope it's ok. We decided we'd find out the gender too, which is exciting.
We just finished dinner, and we're playing monopoly. We've been at it for 3 hours. We're mostly just screwing around, but he's winning and I hate it. I wanna win!
Just as I was about to complain, the rebel alarm goes off. Surprisingly, this has only happened once since I was pregnant. That was when I was 3 months, so this is much scarier. I'm not just taking care of myself, but my baby too.
Maxon comes over and grabs my arm. He drags me over to the hidden safe room and we get in. I put a hand on my stomach as he drags me down the stairs. He's going really fast and I'm struggling to keep up. I start to fall forward but he awkwardly catches me, and I hit my knee on the stair.
"Ow!" I yell.
"Are you ok?!" he asks.
"Yeah," I reply getting up. It really hurts. I sniffle.
"Oh America. I'm sorry. I'll carry you," he says.
"No, I can walk."
He hesitates.
He holds his hand out for me and we slowly make our way the rest of the way down. Good thing we were almost there.
The guards ask if we're alright then has us sit on a cot together. Maxon looks at my knee. He says it's just bruised but I don't care. I just want to make sure my baby stays safe. I keep a hand on my stomach. Maxon has me move onto his lap and puts his hand on top of mine. I look at him. He smiles. I smile and lean back against him. We're on the cot against the wall. He whispers in my ear the entire time that he loves me and he'll protect the both of us. I know both of those things are true.
I fall asleep with the safe feeling of Maxon holding me.

Maxon wakes me up once the guards say it's safe. It's 9:30 PM so we missed dinner. Apparently there's a lot of damage so we need to be careful while going to the infirmary. We're going to have the appointment while the chefs cook.
Once we get to the infirmary the doctor has me lay on one of the beds and pull my shirt up to my bra. He puts this cold gel on my stomach. Maxon holds my hand as he takes the ultrasound.
"Boy or girl?" I ask Maxon.
"Do you want a boy or girl?"
"I'll love it either way."
"Not what I asked."
"Fine. Boy."
I smile.
The doctor turns the screen he was looking at for us to see. He points to two different things.
"What are we looking at?" Maxon asks, referring to the two masses.
"Those are your babies," the doctor says with a smile.
My jaw drops. I look at Maxon who looks just as shocked. He slowly smiles and looks at me.
"Twins?" he asks.
The doctor nods.
"What are the genders?" I ask.
"A boy and a girl. The girl is the smaller one. I marked them on this picture. The girls number two and the boy is one," he explains while handing Maxon a picture for us to keep.
The doctor cleans off my stomach then we go to our room. We're holding hands with big grins on our face.
I'm so happy.
As soon as we get in our room Maxon kisses me hard. I start kissing him back but I smell food.
"Food!" I yell, running over to the tray on our dresser.
He laughs as I shove a piece of fruit into my mouth.
I glare at him.
"What? You're cute," he says.
I blush.
He walks over and puts his hands on both sides of my enormous stomach.
"These two need fed anyway," he says.
I smile and put my hands on his.
This just keeps getting better and better.

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