Double Trouble

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I finish wrapping the gifts right as Maxon comes in.
I look at him and smile.
"Everything ready?" I ask.
"Seems that way," he responds.
"Good. I want today to be perfect."
"Im sure it will go well."
"That's my hope."
I get up to carry the gifts over to the cart.
"I got it, I got it," Maxon stops me.
"You shouldn't be carrying stuff anyway."
"Maxon. They're light. And I'm not even that pregnant."
"But you're pregnant."
"You're nearly half way through."
I roll my eyes and sit back down on the bed.
It's the twins ninth birthday today. We're having a party for them. It's currently eight thirty and they're still in bed. Well, they're supposed to be.
We both got up early to make sure everything's ready and get ready ourselves.
"Ready to go wake up the kids?" I ask.
"Let's put the gifts in the living room first. We might as well bring a maid with their breakfast too," he answers.
"And our breakfast?"
"Maybe we should just eat in the living room."
"But their gifts will be in there."
"How about we leave the gifts here for now and have a guard bring them in while we're at the party."
"Sounds good."
I get up and grab my necklace.
"Want me to help?" Maxon wonders.
"Sure," I smile.
He comes over.
I hand him the necklace and pull my hair out of the way.
Once it's clipped he kisses my neck softly.
"So beautiful," he compliments.
I turn to him with a loving smile on my face.
"Thank you," I appreciate.
His little comments brighten my life.
He makes me so happy.
He takes my hand and we walk to the kitchen.
We mess with each other's hands as we wait for the maids to prepare breakfast.
He gives me a quick kiss and I smile.
The two maids come over when they're ready.
We ask them to bring the food to the living room while we get the kids.
They comply and we go to the twins room.
We don't hear any noise.
They might just be sleeping like they're supposed to be.
We go in and find Eadlyn asleep, but Ahren on his command pad playing a game.
Maxon clears his throat.
Ahren jumps and turns it off.
Eadlyn wakes up.
"We saw you mister," Maxon informs him.
"I'm sorry," he apologizes.
"Don't be. It's your birthday. You're supposed to have fun."
Ahren smiles.
Eadlyn sits up.
"Happy birthday you two," I say with a smile.
"Thank you," they both reply.
"Hungry?" Maxon asks.
They nod.
"Come on then," he tells them.
They both get up and rush over.
Maxon picks Eadlyn up.
"We have to get your brother then we're eating in the living area," I tell them.
Ahren runs ahead to get Kaden.
"Don't be rough," I order.
Ahren wakes a grumpy Kaden up.
He awkwardly carries him out by the armpits as Kaden pouts.
I take him up and carry him and his blankie with us to the living room.
We all sit together on the couch.
Maxon and I cut up the kids food so it's easier to eat then we begin eating as well.
"Can we watch a movie?" Eadlyn asks.
"Sure. What do you want to watch?" Maxon replies.
"The one with the dragon!" Ahren requests.
Eadlyn nods in agreement, which was a bit shocking.
Maxon puts the movie in.
We watch the movie as we enjoy our food.
Kaden just ignores the movie until he's done eating, which he often does.
Once the movie ends we get the kids to their rooms to get them ready for their party.

Eadlyn twirls around in her purple, sparkly dress, which just happens to be her favorite, while I finish buttoning Ahren's matching dress shirt.
"Are you done yet?" Ahren groans.
"Almost almost. Hold on," I tell him.
He leans back and sighs loudly.
"If you quit squirming I'd be quicker," I inform him with a look.
He sits up straight and let's me finish.
As soon as I'm done he hops down and runs over to Eadlyn to play.
I smile at them then look at Kaden.
He's playing with his stuffed animals on Ahren's bed.
Two down, one to go.
"Kaden honey it's time to get dressed," I call. He looks at me and shakes his head no.
"Yes it is," I say to him.
"No thank you," he replies.
I smile and pick him up, sitting him beside me.
He pouts.
"It'll be quick honey," I promise.
He whines the entire time I get home dressed.
As soon as I'm done he goes back to his stuffed animals as fast as he can.
Once Maxon comes back after getting ready in our room, I head there to get ready myself.
I get my dress on and a maid braids my hair while the other maid does a light makeup.
I put my necklace on then go back to the twin's room.
"Who's ready for a birthday party?" I ask.
Both of the twins raise their hands immediately with big grins on their faces.
"Let's go then. You don't want to be late to your own party do you?"
They both get up and run over.
Maxon grabs Kaden and we head to the living area.

Guards escort people to the living area and we greet them when they arrive.
We invited twelve families, including Heidi and her husband.
Mostly everyone else work for us in some area, lots of government workers.
We all sit around the living room in the couches, chairs, and love seats while the kids play together on the floor.
"The kids seem to be having fun," Heidi comments, smiling at the kids as they play board games.
"Yeah. I'm glad they're enjoying themselves," I reply.
Heidi's holding their baby since it's still too young to be playing with them.
The maids bring in trays of finger sandwiches and fruit. They sit them on the table along with drinks.
The kids rush over and the maids help them get their plates.
"Say thank you then sit around the coffee table," I instruct them.
They each say thank you when handed their plate and sit around the table.
The maids bring us adults our food next.
We thank them and start eating.
"Do you want them to have cake or open their gifts first?" Maxon asks me.
"Probably gifts. It'll be nice for everyone to have a break between eating," I suggest.
"Of course I am," I grin at him.
He rolls his eyes playfully then kisses my cheek.
I smile and keep eating.
"Oh, America," Heidi gets my attention.
"Do you guys think you could come down to our place a bit in the summer? We'd love to have you," she invites.
"Of course. I'll have to check our schedule then contact you."
We smile at each other.
Ahren comes over when he's done eating.
"Mommy, I want cake," he tells me.
"We're going to open gifts first ok?" I tell him.
"Mmmm ok."
I look at Maxon.
He gets up and gets the twins to sit by the fireplace while the others sit with their parents.
They take turns opening their gifts.
They get lots of toys and say thank you to each person after the gifts.
A maid brings in the cake as soon as we're done with the candles already lit.
We all sing 'happy birthday' then cut the cake.
Eadlyn and Ahren pick their pieces first then we give the other kids their pieces.
I get the two pieces since, you know, I'm eating for two.
Maxon and I sit together on the love seat to eat our cake.
As soon as the kids are done they start playing with their toys.
"They're so much trouble," I say.
"Double trouble," Maxon jokes.
I smile at him and laugh a bit.
I watch Ahren play a game with one of his friends.
I notice his friend, Alex, is messing up on purpose.
"Hey Maxon," I get his attention.
"Alex is messing up on purpose."
"He is?"
" he letting him win?"
"Well a lot of times their parents tell them to let the royal children win."
"That's dumb."
"That's how it's always been."
I frown.
"It's ok America. Just let it go."
I hesitate then nod.
I take a minute to calm down then do my best to enjoy the rest of the party.

"Thank you so much for inviting us," Heidi appreciates.
"Thank you for coming. It was great seeing you," I thank back.
We exchange a hug while the boys shake hands.
"Call me when you get home," I order.
She smiles and says, "I will."
They wave and leave.
We thank everyone else for coming then help the maids clean up.
The kids pick up their toys, which makes me smile.
"Did you have a good birthday?" I ask them.
"It was awesome!" Ahren exclaims.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it. How about you Eadlyn?"
"It was fun," she smiles.
"Did you get what you wanted for your birthday?"
They both nod.
"That's good."
Kaden comes over to me pouting.
"What is it?" I question.
He whines and reaches for me.
I pick him up and he hugs me.
"Oh someone's tired."
He nods.
"Well we're going to go eat dinner then you can go to bed," I tell him.
He whines.
"I know," I rub his back.
"Come on guys," Maxon calls the twins.
They go out with him and I follow them.
We go to the dining room for our dinner.

"Who's ready for bed?"
Kaden nods but the twins yell no.
"No?" I ask.
"We want to watch a movie," Ahren complains.
They both nod.
I look at Maxon.
He shrugs.
"Alright I guess. Come on."
They both smile big and start running to the living room.
"No running," Maxon scolds.
They stop but fast walk.
Once the movies in we sit on the couch with our snacks.
Maxon and I hold hands while Kaden lays with his head in my lap. I pull his blanket up on him better.
The twins are sitting on the other side of Maxon with their popcorn.
I look at Maxon and he looks at me.
He gives me a quick kiss then smiles at me.
I smile back.
I lean my head on his shoulder.
Today was a good day.

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