My Sweet Little Boy

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"Do you need anything?" I ask.
"No," Ahren replies miserably.
I'm sitting in a chair next to his bed. I made him lay down after half an hour of throwing up. He has a cold towel on his fore head and is wearing his pajamas. The doctors said he has a high fever and needs to rest. He's absolutely miserable and I feel awful about it. My sweet little boy doesn't deserve to feel this way.
"You should get some rest honey. I'm going to go back to work so if you need more or anything at all just ask the maid ok?"
He nods and closes his eyes. I give him his stuffed animals and tuck him in. I kiss his forehead then leave. I go to the living area where Maxon is with Eadlyn. They're both still working and the vomits cleaned up.
"Hey," Maxon says when I walk in.
"Hey," I reply with a sad town, sitting next to him.
Eadlyn looks at me then continues to color whatever she was drawing.
"How's he doing?" Maxon asks, setting his work aside.
"Not great," I reply.
"Is he ok?"
"I think so. He's absolutely miserable. I can't stand seeing him this way."
"I feel so bad for him."
"I wish it was me instead."
"Don't say that."
"He doesn't deserve this."
"Well neither do you."
"More than him."
"America please stop. Talking that way isn't going to help. It's just stressing the both of us out more."
I sigh.
"How's his fever?"
"It's pretty high. He stopped throwing up but he said he feels weak and tired. He was sweating a lot too."
"Poor kid."
"I hope he's better for the Christmas Eve ball. I know he was excited for it.
"I hope so too. Everyone always loves him at the balls."
I small at the thought of all the attention he gets from the girls. They all think he's adorable.
Eadlyn always sticks with Maxon or I. Sometimes she will run off with another girl, but not as often.
"He'll get better soon," Maxon assures me.
I nod and we both get back to work.
Once the maid comes in and tells us it's time for dinner, we put everything aside.
Eadlyn comes over to me with the paper she was drawing on.
"Mommy," she says.
"Can I give this to Ahren?"
She shows me a picture of both of them that she drew. There's hearts and flowers on it too.
"Sure honey. But we have to let him sleep after," I say.
"Ok. Thank you."
"We'll be right down Maxon."
He smiles and kisses me then goes to the dining room as we go to their bed room.
I knock lightly then we go in.
Ahren sits up when he sees us.
"Stay laying down Ahren," I instruct.
He nods and lays back down.
I follow Eadlyn over.
"Hey Ahren," she says.
"Hey," he replies weakly.
"I made this for you."
She hands him the drawing.
"Oh, thanks Eady."
He smiles a bit. She gives him the best hug she can.
"I hope you feel better soon."
"When you do, we can play with whatever you want."
He smiles a bit. She wiped that miserable look right off his face. She made him happy when he was in pain. I love that my children make each other that happy.
"Come on Eadlyn. Let your bother rest and we'll go to dinner."
"Alright. Bye Ahren."
"Bye Eady."

MaxericaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora