No Movement

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The next morning I get a relief from the morning sickness, but not the tightness in my side.
I sit up and rub the tightest spot.
All of last night the tightness would come and go, waking me up a few times. I never felt any pain but it did feel very uncomfortable. There hasn't been as much movement from the baby either.
Maxon wakes up and looks at me after I sit up.
He sits up on his elbow.
"You ok?" he asks with a yawn.
"I'm fine," I reply with a smile.
He puts his hand on my stomach and rubs gently.
"How's this little one?" he wonders.
"Same as yesterday."
"Is the tightness still in the same spot?"
I nod.
He watches my stomach, clearly lost in thought.
I put my hand on his cheek and he looks at me.
I smile and say assuringly, "I bet it's nothing, love."
He smiles a bit and nods.
He checks the time.
"Wow. We actually slept in for once," he says shocked.
"I know."
"Are you feeling nauseous at all?"
"Nope. I feel pretty good."
"Well that's good. Maybe going on bedrest really did help."
"Maybe. I guess we should listen to the doctor huh?"
"Probably a good idea."
I grin and Maxon laughs lightly.
"I'm so ready to see our little baby," I admit.
"Me too."
"And for the little baby outfits. And of course the little baby shoes. Oh my gosh Ahren's reaction to the baby will be amazing too."
"I'm sure it will be. He's a great brother."
"He really is. I love our kids so much."
"Me too. They're little angels. Most of the time."
"Oh stop it. They're great."
I smack his arm and he laughs.
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" he yells in defense.
"You better be."
"I am."
"I know."
"Get our little angels and food please."
"On it."
He gets up and changes.
He pecks my cheek then goes to follow my request.
I smile at him as he goes, then I steal his pillow to help with my back. It's not too bad, but extra support never hurts.
I lean on both his and mine and grab my book.
I read until the kids rush in with their father following suit.
They all get on the bed in Maxon's spot.
He has them scoot over and sits too.
"Where's my pillow?"
"Mmmm behind me," I answer him.
"And how did it get there?"
I shrug.
"Oh really?"
I nod.
He rolls his eyes and I grin.
Once the maid brings our food we being to eat, and that's when I begin to worry.

After a long day of the kids being my only entertainment, I could not be more tired. Not that they were bad entertainment. Trust me, my kids sure have a wild imagination. It was just a long day stuck in bed.
I'm also concerned for the baby. Today is the least amount of movement yet. Ironically I didn't have any of my regular morning sickness either. Which is also concerning me. I'll have to talk to Maxon about it.
Maxon lays down next to me and sighs a bit.
I look at him as he rubs his face.
"You ok?" I ask softly.
"Yeah. I'm just tired," he answers.
"You should get some rest then. I'm pretty tired too."
He scoots closer to me and puts his arm around me.
We look into each other's eyes and I smile. He smiles back and gently kisses my lips. I gladly kiss him back.
"Goodnight, my dear," he whispers against my lips.
"Goodnight," I whisper back.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
I guess I'll tell him tomorrow.

MaxericaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora