An Apology

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"If you're feeling alright I'd say you're fine to come off of bed rest," the doctor announces with a smile.
The past month and a half has been rough. Not only have I needed to heal physically, I needed to heal mentally.
I went through some bad postpartum depression. I've never felt so terrible in my life. And I never would've gotten through it if it weren't for Maxon. He's been there for me through it all; the meltdowns, the mood swings, even the yelling.
"That's great news," Maxon says with excitement.
He looks at me.
"Do you think you're well enough, my dear?" he asks, feeling hopeful.
I squeeze his hand.
"I do. But I'm still going to take it easy," I decide.
"If you need anything feel free to page me."
"We will. Thank you," Maxon appreciates.
The doctor leaves.
I keep my eyes down as he goes.
"What is it?" Maxon asks once the doors closed.
"I'm sorry," I quietly apologize.
He looks at me confused. "You're sorry? What for?"
"I've been so mean to you and just not a good mother or wife lately. I'm really sorry."
"America. Darling. Don't think that. You're a wonderful wife and an even better mother. You were dealing with some really difficult things and we all completely understand. You did nothing wrong."
I look at him teary eyed.
"Don't cry sweetheart."
He moves closer and I hug him. He rubs my back and holds me.
"I love you with all of me, my dear. Not once was I upset with you."
"I promise."
I sniffle and wipe my face.
"Did you hear about the parades?" he changes the subject.
"No. What parades?"
"The people have been throwing parties and parading the streets in celebration of Osten. They're all so excited that he's ok and to have another heir."
That brings a smile to my face and I look up at my husband.
He smiles back.
"We should go spend time with the kids. I need to see them. Especially Osten."
"Of course."
He gets up then comes to my side of the bed and helps me up. It takes me a minute to loosen my legs which were tight from bedrest.
"Can we eat dinner in the theatre and watch a movie with the kids?" I ask.
"That sounds like a wonderful idea."
He waits for me to change into jeans and a blouse. We aren't going anywhere, so what harm can be done in being comfy?
I take his hand and we walk to the twins room.

"I'm glad you're feeling better mom," Ahren says while hugging me.
"I am too. I really missed spending time with you guys."
Maxon hands me Osten in his blanket and I hold him close on my chest. He's fast asleep. His hair is starting to get longer and curling.
Oh have I missed my little boy. How could I have not wanted to hold him every second of every day for the past month?
Maxon lets the kids pick a movie. They decide on a cartoon.
The maids bring us our food then dim the lights for us.
Maxon plays the movie.
I hold Osten on my chest with one arm while eating my delicious meal with the other.
After having four children, I've learned to multitask pretty well.
Maxon whispers to me, "what a good mom."
I look at him and smile.
"I've missed that smile," he admits.
"I have too. And I've missed my family."
He looks at Osten. "He's so calm when you hold him. I wish he would've been that way with me."
"Has he been grumpy?"
"Extremely. But one of the nurses told me about this thing called skin to skin. You pretty much just lay the baby on your bare chest. Supposedly it makes the baby feel like it's in the womb."
"Did you try it?"
"Yeah. It worked really well."
"I might have to try that sometime."
"I can help with that."
I glare as soon as his adorable grin crosses his face.
"Knock it off, Schreave," I warn.
"I just love you, my dear."
I smack his leg, waking Osten up.
"Look what you did," I blame him.
"Shhhhh, dad! We're trying to watch the movie," Ahren complains.
Maxon looks at me, a shook and amused look on his face.
I smile and kiss the side of Osten's head.
"It's ok baby," I gently whisper while rocking him.
After lots of whining he decides to calm down.
"Go back to sleep," I tell him.
He snuggles his face closer to my chest and I give him my finger to hold.
He stays awake but quiet.
"Boy am I lucky," I say before looking at Maxon.
He smiles back.
"We sure are aren't we?"
I just published another Maxerica story called "The Second Choice" so please check it out!

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