Tunnel Vision

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I'm now five months pregnant.
This pregnancy has been pretty hard on me, and it's about to get a lot harder.
I've been non stop getting sick since month three. My back has been hurting terribly. I'm often finding myself having to lay down from pain and nausea. Just like now.
I feel bad for others and for myself. I feel like I'm being rude leaving all the time and I feel like I'm missing out on everything. I wish I could just spend time with the people I love instead of being stuck in bed. But I know I have to take care of the baby. She comes first right now.
I groan as I roll over in the bed. Hugging Maxon's pillow in an attempt to comfort myself.
We were at a dinner party with a few quests when I had to excuse myself. Maxon will be coming up any moment to make sure I'm alright.
I'm proven correct when he knocks lightly and comes in.
He looks at me and closes the door.
"Are you alright?" he asks worried.
I nod and don't say anything.
He comes over and rubs my back.
"Oh America. I'm sorry you're feeling sick again. I would do anything to make it stop."
"It's alright. As long as our baby girl is ok then I can handle it."
"Of course. You're so strong."
He leans over and kisses my cheek.
I keep my eyes closed as he rubs my back.
After awhile I say, "You should get back to the guests. We don't want to come off as rude."
"Are you sure you don't need me here?"
I nod.
"Alright. Just ask the guard if you need me for anything ok? I'll bring you some snacks later. And try to stay in bed. You need to rest for both of your sakes."
He puts his hand on my stomach.
"I will Maxon."
He gives me a long kiss before going back to our guests.
I decide to try to sleep.
I can only take a nap for about an hour before the pain in my lower back wakes me up again.
I decide to try to use the bathroom. That seems to relieve some pressure sometimes.
As soon as I stand up my knees collapse under me from a pain that shoots up my back.
I gasp and grip onto the bed with one hand, holding my stomach with the other.
I'm stuck practically holding my breath and squeezing my eyes shut tight. I open my eyes and my head starts to spin. An intense nausea comes over me and I start to get tunnel vision.
What the hell is happening.
I realize something is running down my legs as I yell for the guard.
I lose my grip on the bed.
The last thing I see is the door opening and the guards feet as he rushes over to my collapsed body.

All I see is a tunnel of purple rock and neon lights moving in and out. It seems to never end. But I have to get out. I have to go home to my husband and kids. I need to protect my baby growing inside of me. How did I get here and where am I.
There's only a ringing sound until I hear Maxon saying my name and I hear one of the kids crying. I think it's Ahren.
I try to yell out to them but I can't.
I'm coming. It'll be ok.

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