Rain Queen

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I wake up to the sound of the rain hitting the windows and the wind blowing hard against the trees.
Maxon is holding me close up against him with his shirt off and his arm around me.
I can't imagine a better way to wake up.
I sit up.
Maxon shifts and yawns as he wakes up.
"Morning handsome," I say to him.
"Morning," he mumbles.
He had stayed up late working last night.
I look at the clock and gasp. It's 10:30.
"What?" he asks, more awake now.
"It's late! A maid didn't come wake us up!"
The guard rushes in when he hears me yell then leaves when be notices nothing's wrong.
"It's ok darling. I told them not to," Maxon assures.
"Why?" I ask.
"I'm taking the day off, and so are you."
"But we have work to do."
"Don't worry. I finished up my work last night and your stuff can wait. I'll help if I need to."
"Are your sure Maxon? You have to remember the country comes first."
"It's fine America. We need a break. We can't rule the country correctly if we don't relax every now and then."
I hesitate then smile.
"Alright," I give in.
He smiles.
"Good," he says happily.
"So what are we doing today?" I ask.
"That's all up to you."
"You didn't plan anything?"
"Nope. I started to but I decided we'll do whatever you want to."
"Anything I want?"
I laugh.
He knows me to well to allow me to make him do anything I want.
He sits up and grabs his shirt, putting it on.
"Have any ideas about what you want to do?" he asks.
"Kinda. Let's have some lunch first," I reply.
"Sounds good."
We get up and change. He puts some dress pants on and I put my favorite day dress on.
I put my flats on then quickly put my hair up into a tight ponytail. I don't bother putting on makeup. It makes me feel uncomfortable.
"Ready?" I ask Maxon who's sitting on the bed watching me finish up.
"Yes darling," he replies.
I look at him through the mirror.
He looks back at me.
I smile, earning a smile back.
"Let's go then," I say after securing my heart necklace around my neck.
He comes over.
"You look beautiful, my dear," he comments.
"Do I?"
"Thank you."
"There's no need to thank me. It's the truth."
"I love you."
"And I you."
He goes over and holds the door open for me. Once in the hallway he offers me his arm and we go to lunch.
The kids have lessons today, so we'll be eating on our own and won't see them until dinner.
We both end up eating more than normal, especially me, since we missed breakfast.
Once we're done the butlers take our plates.
I had out to the hallway. Maxon follows.
It's still raining, which is perfect.
I go to the glass doors that lead to the garden.
The ground isn't muddy yet. It's getting there, but it should be ok to walk in in boots.
"What now?" he asks.
I look at him and smirk.
"We aren't going outside," he says strictly.
I stop smirking.
"But Maxon."
"No. It's wet and cold."
"It's not that cold. We can wear boots and our coats."
"You'll get wet and sick."
"We can carry an umbrella."
"We won't get much privacy with a maid following us around with an umbrella."
"Then you carry it."
"You really want to go out that badly?"
"Yes Maxon."
He thinks about it for a moment then sighs.
"Alright," he gives in.
I jump up and hug him.
"Be careful," he demands.
"I'm excited!" I reply.
"I know. I'm glad but you need to be careful."
"You're pregnant."
"Pregnant. Not dying."
"Maxon. I'm not that far along. It's fine."
"I'm glad you care and want to protect me, but I'm aloud to do normal every day things," I explain.
He nods.
"Alright. Let's go get our boots and coats," he suggests.
I smile.
I hold his hand as we walk to our room.
When we get there we grabs our coats and boots.
We put them on then head back to the garden doors. Maxon puts our normal shoes by the guard.
A maid brings us over an umbrella and offers to carry it for us.
"No thank you. We can carry it," I say.
"Alright miss," she says and curtsies.
Maxon and I go out into the garden with the umbrella up.
I hold onto his arm and stay close to him as we walk.
The rain falls hard around us.
The cool air makes being close to Maxon even sweeter, feeling the heat come off of each other.
"Isn't it beautiful?" I say.
"What? The rain?"
"I guess."
"It's so relaxing."
"You really like the rain don't you?"
"I love it. It makes me feel so calm and collected."
"Alright miss Rain Queen."
I look at him.
He smirks.
I roll my eyes and smile.
"About ready to go in?" he asks.
"Will you ever be ready?"
He laughs lightly.
"Well we need to soon," he says.
"Fine fine. Let's just go in now."
"You sure?"
"Yeah. We should go get a snack then go see the kids."
"They're in their lesson still. How about we get a snack then look at some baby stuff?"
An idea pops into my mind.
"Oh! We could get the ultrasound!"
"You want to know the gender to say?"
I nod excitedly.
"Alright then," he agrees.
"Let's hurry and get inside."
"Eh, I was thinking we should stay out a bit longer," he teases.
I give him a look then we hurry inside. We hand the guard the umbrella then put our every day shoes on. We leave our muddy boots by the door for a maid to deal with.
"Let's go let's go," I rush.
"Snack first," he insists.
"But I want to get the ultrasound now," I pout.
"They need to get the stuff ready first. Let's have a snack while they do that."
Maxon has a maid go inform the doctor that we'll be there soon for an ultrasound then we go to the kitchen.
We get a bowl of mixed fruit each and sit together at a window seat near the garden.
"Do you want a boy or girl?" I ask.
"I want a healthy baby," he replies.
I smile at that.
"Then a healthy boy or girl?"
"Probably a girl."
"Yeah. We already have two boys so we might as well even it out."
"Makes sense."
"I want another daughter anyway. But I'd love another boy too."
"How sweet."
"How about you? Does the Rain Queen want a boy or a girl?"
"As a matter of fact, I want a boy."
"A boy. Interesting. Any reasoning for that choice?"
"Just a want. But I'll love it either way."
He smiles at me. I smile back then finish my bowl of fruit. He was being slow and had a lot left so I steal some of his to make him finish quicker.
A maid takes the bowls when we're done.
"Ready?" he asks.
I grab his arm and drag him to the infirmary.
When I get there the doctor has me put some medical pants on so he's not seeing my underwear when I pull my dress up.
He has me lay down. I hold Maxon's hand with one hand and the dress up with the other.
The doctor puts the cold gel on me stomach then starts the ultrasound.
We watch him as he watches the screen.
"So?" I ask impatiently.
He looks at us and smiles.
"It's a healthy baby boy," he informs us.
I smile and look at Maxon. He smiles at me.
"Do you have any questions?" the doctor asks.
"He's healthy?" Maxon asks.
"He is."
"Good. That's all we really need to know."
He wipes the gel off of my stomach. I get up and take the pants off.
"Thank you so much," I say to him gratefully.
"It's only my job your majesty. It's an honor to help."
He turns the machine off and puts things away.
I kiss Maxon. He kisses me back.
When I move back I smile at him. He smiles.
"I'm really happy," I say, looking into his eyes.
"I am too," he replies, looking back.
I get teary eyed and hug him.
"What is it?" he asks.
"I love you so much."
I start silently crying a bit. He just holds me.
"There's no need to cry darling," he says softly, moving back a bit.
"I'm just so happy. I couldn't be happier. I can't imagine living without you, living a different life. I need you."
He cups my cheek with his hand.
"You have me love. I'm right here. And I'm not going anywhere."
"I know."
Is sniffle and wipe my face.
He kisses my forehead gently.
"Let's go to dinner dear. I'm sure you two are hungry."
I smile at him and nod.
He holds my hand and walks me to the dining room.
The kids are these with a young guard when we get there. Of course there are other guards in the room, but this one is standing and talking with them.
We walk over.
The guard bows then goes to his post.
"Mommy!" Kaden yells and runs over to me. He pouts and holds his arms up.
I pick him up.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"I missed you mama," he tells me while laying his head on my shoulder.
"I missed you too honey."
I hug him tight then put him down.
We all sit and eat dinner together.
The kids talk about their lessons as we eat.
Once we're done the kids go upstairs to play.
"Any other things you want to do today?" Maxon asks, leading me arm in arm into the hallway.
"How about a movie then cuddles?" I ask.
"Sounds wonderful."
He takes me to the theater.
We make popcorn and grab some chocolates then sit close together.
I snuggle up against him while we watch the movie and snack together.

"Thanks for such a great day Maxon," I say.
"Don't thank me. You planned the whole day as I went by," he replies.
"It wouldn't have been a good day without you in it."
"How sweet."
"I mean it."
"I know you do."
I smile at him.
He pecks my lips and we lay down in bed.
I yawn and get close to him.
"Tired?" he asks.
I nod and close my eyes.
He turns off the light and hugs me.
"Goodnight," he whispers.
"Night," I reply.
"I love you."
"Love you."
I quickly fall asleep with the feeling of happiness floating through my head.

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