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"We need to keep her on bedrest for a few weeks and monitor her," the doctor says to Maxon.
"Is there something wrong?" Maxon asks with concern.
"She's just pretty weak. And this is her fourth child, it seems to have been a little bit harder on her body. She's also going through a bit of postpartum depression. It's best to keep her on bed rest until she's better."
"Can we move her to our room? She'll be more comfortable that way."
"Of course."
"Thank you"

I wake up when I hear Maxon come in.
I've been on bedrest for a week, and I'm finally starting to feel better.
I've slept nonstop since the birth.
Maxon's been taking care of the baby mostly. Now that I think about it, I've hardly even seen the baby.
"Hi, my dear. Did I wake you up?" Maxon greets with a smile.
I nod.
"I'm sorry."
"It's ok."
"How are you feeling?"
"Better. I'm not as tired."
"That's great. Are you hungry?"
I nod.
"Alright. I'll go get your lunch."
"Thank you."
"Anything for you, my dear."
He leaves and returns with a tray of food.
My lunch consists of a turkey wrap, fruit, and some crackers.
"Where's yours?" I ask.
"I already ate, darling. Don't worry about me," he answers.
I nod and start eating.
"If you'd like, we should watch a movie later. Maybe a comedy or something animated," Maxon suggests.
"That sounds nice," I agree.
"The kids miss spending time with you."
"I miss them too. I've just really needed some space."
"I know, my dear. That's ok. You take your time and get better."
"I am."
"I'm glad."
I finish eating my food in silence then give Maxon my tray.
"I'm going to go with Eadlyn outside to ride her horse. Do you mind if the boys come stay with you until we're done?" Maxon questions.
"That's fine," I answer.
"Alright. I'll have a nanny watch Osten since you can't get out of bed. But I'll stop and get him before I come back."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Maxon leaves and has a maid come and take my tray.
The maid gets me some water and a lemonade before the kids come.
They knock before coming in.
"Hi mom," Ahren greets.
"Hi sweetheart. How are you guys?" I respond.
"We're good. Are you feeling any better?"
"I am. But I've missed my boys."
They come over and climb onto the bed.
"We've missed you so much mommy," Kaden chimes in.
I smile at them and tear up a bit.
"I've been a bad mom haven't I?"
"Of course not," Ahren interjects. "You have to heal mom. And sometimes that takes longer than normal. But it's ok. We still love you. We always will."
"Come here."
They both come over and I hug them close.
"I really am sorry you two. I haven't been the best mom and I promise I'll do better."
"Don't say that mom. We don't believe that at all."
"I love you both with all of my heart."
"We love you too."
Kaden kisses my cheek. "I love you mommy."
I hug them both closer and don't let go.
Someone knocks.
I move back from them and wipe my face.
"Come in," I allow.
A guard comes in and bows.
"Is the king here, your majesty?" he wonders.
"He isn't. He went with Eadlyn for her to ride horses," I answer.
"Excuse my interruption."
He bows again and leaves.
I look at the boys.
Kaden is laying next to me and hugging his blankie.
Ahren is looking out the balcony doors.
"Lay with us Ahren. I think we all could use some cuddles," I instruct.
He smiles and lays next to Kaden.
I hold Kaden in my arms, and he quickly falls asleep. 
I'm not much behind him.

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