My Little Babies

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"My little babies," I say, running my finger gently down Eadlyn's cheek.
"They won't be little forever," Maxon says.
"They'll always be my little babies."
He smiles and puts his arm around me.
"How's your leg?"
"Good. Doesn't hurt nearly as bad as it did. I think they'll give me the boot soon."
"That sounds like a punishment."
"Oh it is."
I laugh lightly then look at Ahren and Eadlyn. They're both napping with each other.
I can tell they're going to be close as they grow up.
"Oh, look what I made," I say.
I grab my knitting bag and pull out the two hats I made them. One pink and one blue.
"Cute," Maxon says.
"I know right! It took forever."
"We should take pictures with them wearing them."
"Yeah. Good idea."
I kiss his cheek. He smiles.
I put the hats on them as he grabs his camera.
I grab the basket they love and sit it on the floor. I put their favorite white blanket in it. Maxon has a maid get thin blue and pink wrapping, then wraps the babies bodies in it. He lays them on opposite sides then puts their hats in place.
They look so cute!
Maxon's takes a few photos until Ahren starts crying. I pick him up and unwrap him.
"Those are good," Maxon says, picking Eadlyn up. He takes off the wrapping as I calm Ahren down.
Once they're both calm we take them to the nursery then go to breakfast.
The butler's bring out our food once we sit. We pick stuff and start eating.
"Is there any work you need help with?" I ask.
"No. I've got it," Maxon replies.
"Do you think when your leg gets better we could go on a trip?"
"Yeah. Like visit a historical site or something."
"I'll look into it."

Maxon sits on the bed. I sit next to him. He puts his hand on my cheek and softly kisses me. I kiss him back. We make out for who knows how long.
"I love you," I say, unlocking our lips.
"I love you too my dear."
He kisses me hard, starting something only we share together.

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