Morning Sickness?

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"I thought I was supposed to be the one with morning sickness."
"I thought so too."
I move Maxon's sweaty hair off of his face.
He's been sick since early this morning, throwing up and not able to sleep.
"My poor Maxon," I say before leaning over and kissing his forehead gently.
"I'll be ok."
"I know Mr. tough guy. I'll ask for a light breakfast for you."
"Alright. Once I'm done I have to head to a meeting."
"Oh no. You're not getting out of bed."
"Honey I have work I need to do."
"What you need to do is rest and get better. I know you have a lot to do but being sick is going to make it worse. The faster you get better the quicker you can get back in full force. Ok? So rest."
He watches me.
I take his hand. "In the meantime I will continue your work."
"America no. You do not need that kind of stress while you're pregnant."
"I'm fine Maxon. Just have faith in me and I'll ask for help from the council if I need it."
He seems to hesitate.
"Please Maxon. Just rest."
He sighs. "Fine. But I'm going back to work at some point soon."
"Right. As soon as you're better."
"I'm going to go get your breakfast and check on the kids. You better stay in bed."
"I will."
"I'm serious Maxon."
"I know, I know."
I give him another kiss, this time on the cheek, before getting up.
As I head for the door Maxon calls out, "I love you."
I look back and smile at him. "I love you too."
I blow him a kiss before heading out.
The first thing I do is call my mom. I tell her what's going on and ask her to come watch the kids. She says she'll gladly do that.
Once we're done talking I go to the kitchen. I tell them Maxon's got a stomach bug and will need lighter food until I say. I also ask them to make breakfast for the kids and I.
After getting that confirmed I head to the kids rooms. I get Osten and Kaden and take them to the twins room with me.
"Hi mom," Kaden greets as he opens the door.
"Hey buddy. Can we come in?" I request.
He nods and lets us in.
Eadlyn is sitting on her bed with one of her dresses and a tiara on. They must have been playing a game before we came.
"You look so pretty," I tell her.
"Thanks," she appreciates.
"I need to talk to you guys about something."
They all look at me.
I sit on the bed next to Eadlyn and they all huddle over.
"Daddy's really sick so mommy's going to have to take care of him for awhile. Grandmas coming to watch you guys though and you'll have lots of fun," I explain to them.
"Is daddy ok?" Kaden asks.
"He's ok. He's just sick. We all get sick sometimes."
"When will he be better?"
"Can we see him?" Ahren asks.
"Maybe later. He needs to rest right now."
"Do you think we could see him after dinner?" Eadlyn questions.
"I'm not sure sweetie. We'll see."
She nods.
"I'm going to take you guys to the living room to eat your breakfast. You guys can watch a movie even while you eat."
They smile at each other exited.
"A maid will stay with you guys until grandma gets here so behave ok? I need to take care of daddy so please don't cause any trouble and make me have to leave daddy's side.
"We'll see you later right?" Ahren asks worried.
"Of course. I'll be at lunch and dinner with you guys. And we can play a board game later if I have time."
They all nod.
I have them get any toys they want and put them in their bags. They all have a toy bag that they can fill but they have to carry it themselves and they can only put toys in the bag so that they don't bring too many.
I take the kids to the living room. Once the maid brings their breakfast I head back to our room.
As soon as I walk in my blood boils and I frown  as I see Maxon isn't in bed. I don't even see him. But I do see the bathroom door partially shut.
"Maxon Calix Schreave," I growl as I come over and open the door.
My face softens as I see him sitting on the floor by the toilet. He's still in his favorite pajamas.
"Oh honey. I'm sorry. I thought you got out of bed to annoy me."
"It's fine. Just feeling nauseous," he explains.
I come over and rub his back.
"I'm sorry you feel sick. I hate it so much."
"It happens. I'll be fine."
"You're so strong Maxon. I know you're absolutely miserable feeling like this yet you do your best to make sure I'm not worried. You're such a good husband."
He smiles a bit at me. He's pale, exhausted, and physically weak, but that will never change how strong he really is.
I look at him lovingly. "You're so sweet."
"Sweeter than honey."
"You're so right."
We share a smile.
"Ready to go lay back down?" I ask.
He nods.
I take his hand and help him up, so grateful to have him as my husband.

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