My Dear

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I wake up when Maxon walks in with a tray.
I open my eyes and look at him.
He comes over with the tray.
"How are you feeling?" he asks.
"Better," I reply sitting up.
I look at the food on the tray and my mouth immediately waters. I'm starving.
He smiles and puts the tray on my lap. It has a strawberry tart, a grilled chicken salad, a mini bowl of sliced cherries, a small piece of coffee cake, and a sparkling water.
"Thanks Maxon," I say before I start stuffing my face.
"Anything for you my dear."
"Why do you insist on calling me that?"
"Because you are so very dear to me. The dearest, along with the kids."
I look at him. He's smiling at me. I smile back then keep eating.
He grabs some paper work and sits by my feet while I eat.
I look at the clock and nearly choke. It's already three in the afternoon!
I had some things I needed to do today, including a meeting.
"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" I ask Maxon.
"You needed to rest."
"I'm fine. Now I missed my meeting."
"I went," he replies, still writing on his papers.
"You what?"
"I went to the meeting."
Right after he says it I start crying. He looks at me and puts his stuff aside so he could grab my hand.
"America. What's wrong?"
I still had the tray on my lap so I move it next to me. I hug him. He hugs me back.
"Are you ok?" he whispers.
I nod.
"Then why were you crying?"
"You went to the meeting so I didn't have to even though you have so much work you have to do yourself. You're the most amazing husband."
"Its really no problem America. You weren't feeling well. You worried me for a second there though."
"Don't be darling."
I look at him. He smiles. I smile a bit and grab my tray of delicious food.
Once I finish a maid comes and takes it.
"Oh, America. Marlee wanted me to tell you that Lucy and her are doing to be making you some new dresses tomorrow. They don't know you're pregnant but since it's not noticeable yet I figured it's fine. Plus they can start planning the dresses for when you can tell," Maxon explains.
"Ugh," I groan.
"It's just some dress fittings."
"Just some dress fittings? Please. It's repetitively getting stabbed by pins and needles while holding up large amounts of fabric and standing for an eternity."
"I have to do it to America. Just with suits."
"Not the same."
He laughs a bit and puts his papers on his desk. He sits by me again.
"You should do it for me," I say.
"I think you'd look hot in a dress."
"You know I would."
We both laugh at the thought of the crown prince wearing a dress.
"I would pay to see that," I tell him.
"What would you pay with?" he asks while looking at me. all flirty.
"Depends on what you want."
"You know what I want," he says while getting on top of me. He kisses my neck. He moves from my neck to my shoulder, lightly bitting it at moments. I enjoy it for a bit then smirk.
"So you'll do a dress fitting?"
He gets off and lays next to me.
"Couldn't handle it?" I challenge.
"Handle what?"
"The pressure."
"You know. To be hot in a dress."
"Oh my gosh."
We both look at each other.
This wonderful man is all mine. He's the love of my life. I'll never stop loving him.
"I love you Maxon."
"I love you too my dear."
I smile and cuddle up next to him. He holds me until we head to dinner.

The kids all run over and hug me after I kneel down.
"Are you feeling better mommy?" Ahren asks.
"I am. Thank you for asking."
"We missed you at lunch," Eadlyn says.
"And breakfast," Ahren adds.
"That's very sweet. I'm sorry I couldn't go."
"Don't be mama. We're just glad you're ok," Eadlyn says.
I smile at them with tears in my eyes. I have the best family in the world with the most caring children.
"Don't go crying again," Maxon says, putting his arm around me.
"I'm not."
We all sit at the table and eat as a family.

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