New and Old Friends

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I wake up and to see Maxon at his desk.
I sit up and stretch. He looks at me and I smile.
"Good morning my dear," he says.
"Morning," I reply.
He comes over and sits on the bed next to me. He seems kinda serious.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
Maxon's never this serious. What's going on?! Is someone hurt or sick? Maybe someone died. But who?
"I wanted to tell you that I really am sorry about yesterday. It's just, Daphne is my childhood friend that I haven't had a chance to see since before the selection. I missed her and wanted to spend time together. But you're right. She was getting flirty and I didn't stop her. I will talk to her later and make it clear that you are the person I love with all my heart. You and you alone," he tells me.
"Oh Maxon. Don't be upset. I'm fine I was just jealous. But I shouldn't be. I can trust you," I reply.
He smiles and hugs me. I hug him back then kiss him. He kisses me back hard. He gets on top of me but keeps the kissing going. I run my hand through his soft hair. He pulls the ribbon on the back of my nightgown that's holding it onto me, undoing it. He was already in his daily outfit, so I unbutton his pants.
We break away to breath.
"I love you America," he says, looking into my eyes. His eyes are a beautiful chocolate brown that tell an amazing story.
"I love you too."
He moves his hand down to my side for what I thought would be flirting, but was just tickling. I squeal and tell him to stop.
A guard rushes in with his gun drawn, putting his gun down when he sees Maxon was the cause of my distress.
He quickly walks out. I blush a bit, but I don't mind to much. It is a bit embarrassing with Maxon on top of me.
"Where were we?" He asks with a smirk.
"Mmmmm later," I say.
He pouts but I make him get off.
"I have stuff to do mister," I tell him.
"Fine. We're doing this later though."
I smile and peck his lips.
"Mean," he says.
"What?" I ask.
"You give me the smallest of kisses to tease me and make me wait until later."
"Just imagine how much you'll get later though."

It's 6 now. I just got out of a private meeting with one of the ladies from an orphanage that's nearby. She was hoping I would be able to go spend time with the children soon. And of course I'd love to!
I'm walking to the dining room since I'm late for dinner, but stop when I see Daphne crying on a couch in a comfort area. A comfort area is like a large living room.
I walk over to her.
"Daphne?" I say.
She looks at me and glares.
"Get away from me," she growls.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"Don't pretend like you care."
"I do care."
"No you don't. You took him from me and now he hates me."
"Daphne. I didn't take him. I love him and he loves me. He does consider you a friend and I know it. I would like to as well."
"Why are you being nice to me?" She asks.
"Because. I get why you are mad at me. Who doesn't have a huge crush on Maxon."
"I don't have a crush on him. Not anymore."
"That's good I guess."
"I just thought I loved him. He's always been so nice to me. I'm probably going to be put through an arranged marriage, so I guess I was hoping it would be him since he's my friend," she explains.
"I'm sure you'll find someone Daphne. Just not Maxon."
"Yeah....I'm sorry."
"It's ok. Friends?"
She doesn't respond immediately.
"Yeah. Friends," she agrees.
I smile and help her up.
"Ready to go to dinner?" I ask.
"No. I shouldn't go.
"Why not?"
"Maxon hates me."
"I'm sure that's not true. Come on. Let's go and you can sit next to me. I'll talk to him."
She nods and we go to dinner. At least that's fixed.

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