Till My Very Last Breath

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I open my eyes and immediately regret it.
I groan and close them.
"Sounds like she's awake," a raspy male voice loudly whispers.
What happened? Why do I feel so awful?
I feel a small push on my legs.
I open my eyes. I'm laying on the floor of the royal jewel room. It's very dim with the only lighting of small lanterns on the walls. In here with me is two men and two black bags full of something.
I move my head and it hurts.
One of the men looks at me with what seems like worry and regret, while I get a glare from the other.
"Get up," the other man says.
I sit up, he grabs my arm and yanks me up off the red carpeting.
"Don't be so rough," raspy voice whispers loudly again.
"It's not like we can keep her alive. She saw us," the other man replies.
"No please," I beg.
"Shut up."
I flinch as he jerks me to the side.
"You're gonna be quiet or I'm gonna shoot you now," he says in my face.
He shoves me into the corner.
They whisper to each other for a bit on the other side of the room.
I look around the room. There doesn't seem to be anything I can use as a weapon. There isn't even an escape. It's hopeless. I notice the cases are all empty.
The one who seems to be in charge pulls his gun out and comes over to me. He points it at me.
"Get up," he orders.
I pull myself up using the wall to support my body. He grabs my arm and pulls me close to him. His face is in mine.
"You're going to follow him silently. Say a word and I shoot you."
I have the urge to spit in his face, and I probably would've if it weren't for the gun.
"This is a bad idea," the other one says.
"Just go. Hurry up before we get caught."
He walks out. The man let's go of my arm and pushes the barrel of the gun into my back. I follow the other one out.
They lead me towards one of the back doors near the kitchen. Right before we get out of sight, a guard stops us.
"Excuse me," the guard says.
The gun is pushed further into my back as the man holding the gun grabs my arm and uses me as a shield.
The guard immediately pulls his gun.
Raspy voice man stands there looking scared.
"Let her go," the guard says.
The guard takes a step towards us.
"Another step and I'll shoot her."
He doesn't move.
A few more guards appear and draw their guns.
This is a situation I never imagined myself in.
My eyes widen as the sound of a gun shot echoes through my ears.

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