This Isn't Happily Ever After

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I open my eyes and yell out in pain.
I grab the thing nearest to me, which just happens to be Maxon's arm, and dig my nails into as I let out a scream of pain.
"What just happened?" Maxon asks the doctor in a panicky voice.
"She just blacked out for a moment. She's alright. It's about time to start pushing though so we better make sure that doesn't happen again."
"Why'd she black out?"
"It could've been for several reasons. But she's alright. We need to worry about the baby right now."
Maxon nods and puts his hand in mine.
I squeeze it.
"It'll be ok, my dear. I'll be with you the whole time."
"It hurts so bad," I whine.
"I know." He smoothes back my hair.
"You don't know. You can't feel how unbearable this is," I cry.
"Honey, I can tell it hurts. And I'm so sorry. But it'll be over before you know it. You'll get the baby out and then we can give the baby a name and let the kids hold it too."
I nod.
"I love you so much. You don't even know how happy you've made me. I never thought I'd get a happily ever after. But this isn't happily ever after. It's so much more than that."
I manage to smile a bit at him and tell him I love him too.
Not much later, the doctor gives me the go ahead to start pushing.

"I want mama," Kaden pouts.
Ahren sits in front of his younger brother and hugs him in an attempt to comfort him.
"I know. I do too. But mom is having another baby so we have to wait until she's done," Ahren explains.
"But I want mama now."
"We can't go to mom yet. The maid will bring us to her when we're allowed to go. We have to wait for now."
"But it's been forever."
"It's only been two hours. Dad said it usually takes a long time."
"Yes he did. And so we have to wait. But we can play while we wait. How about we do a puzzle?"
"Mmmm ok."
Before Ahren can get up, Eadlyn comes over and puts a tiara on his head.
Ahren takes it off.
"Stop!" Eadlyn commands.
"No. I don't want to wear your tiara."
"Why not?"
"Tiara's are for girls."
"That's not true!"
"Yeah huh."
"No it's not."
"It doesn't matter. I'm playing with Kaden."
He gets up and gets a puzzle.
"I want to play too!" Eadlyn complains.
"Fine. But you have to share or get your own."
"I'll share."
The three of them sit together and make the puzzle.
The maid brings them cookies and tea for a snack.
After their third puzzle, they get bored.
"Let's do something else," Eadlyn says.
The boys both nod in agreement.
"How about....we could play pirates," Ahren suggests.
"Yeah!" Eadlyn happily shouts.
"Ok," Kaden nods.
They grab their stuffed animals, Eadlyn's play jewelry, and their plastic weapons.
They bring all of their stuff onto the bed.
"I call captain," Eadlyn claims.
"But I wanted to be captain," Ahren frowns.
"Too late."
"Whatever. I'll be co captain."
"That's not a thing."
"Too bad."
She rolls her eyes.
"What am I?" Kaden asks.
"You can be the animal keeper," Ahren answers.
Kaden smiles. "Yay."
"You have to watch our treasure too."
Kaden nods.
He gathers the stuffed animals and jewelry.
He sits behind Ahren and Eadlyn.
After another hour of playing, the maid comes in.
They stop and look at her.
Eadlyn's sitting on top of Ahren with a plastic sword.
"Your father has requested your presence," the maid says with a giggle.
Ahren pushes Eadlyn off and jumps off the bed.
Eadlyn scrambles up after him.
The maid grabs Kaden and they go.

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