Chapter 79: Cold case cracked

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While Hotch was getting a shower Spencer was looking over the case again. His feeling of something being missed was still there. He read and re-read it over and over. He squeaked again when Hotch picked him up from behind.

Hotch came out of the shower to find his son working like he was last night. He sighed and looked at the clock. He went over and picked him up. He chuckled a bit when he sqeauked.

"Spencer it's only me." Hotch chuckled.

"Hotch! I'm worting!" Reid cried.

"I know. A little too much. Now come on. We need to get you bathed and ready." He said carrying his charge into the bathroom.

About 15 minutes later Hotch came downstairs with a freshly bathed Spencer. He sat down and settled him in his lap and ordered breakfast for the both of them. The team soon came down and joined them.


After a nice filling breakfast thhe family arrived at the station and got to work. Reid looked over the case once again and found that his feeling was right. Something was missing. He got up and dug through the box of files. Not finding what he was looking for he tottled outside to ask one of the officers if they could get what he wanted.

He walked up to a female officer at her desk and tugged on her pants. She looked down at the tiny agent and smiled.

"Hi little one. Is there something you need?" She asked.

"Uh huh. I need a file." He said.

She nooded and picked him up. They walked into the file archives.

"Ok sweetie. What file do you need?" She asked.

He looked around and a cold case box. It was the same as the one they were working on. He pointed to the box and she set him down. She carried the box back to conference for him and set on the floor. She knelt down and ruffled his hair.

"There you go sweetie. Let me know if you need anything else." She said going back to her desk.

"Fant you." He said.

He looked at his family who was looking at him amused looks. Even the Chief looked amused.

"Got my staff wrapped around your little finger huh?" He asked.

Reid blushed. But it was true. Nobody not even some of the UnSubs could resist his cuteness. He shook them off and opened the box. He read through the files and was right. The case they were working on was the same as this cold case but there something different. Their cold case said said one girl was murdered and the other was taken. This case both girls were taken by the same UnSub.

'The UnSub could have a twin. But one of these case has to lying. But which one?' Spencer thought to himself.

His answer came through the door. A girl in rags came in.

"Please someone help." She said.

The officers took her into a interrogation room.

Interrogetion room 7.

The girl was given food, water and a blanket. She ate and drank and curled up in the blanket. Spencer looked at her.

'Too young to be our victim...Unless.' He thought.

He tottled in and tugged on the blanket. The girl looked and smiled at the toddler. She picked him up and held on to him like a lifeline. She settled him in his lap and rubbed his back.

"I'm Daisy." She said. "What's your name little one?"

"Spencer." He said.

"That's a nice name. What about your dog there?" She asked.

"Awtemis." He said.

"Good name." She said.

"Daity. What happened to you?" He asked.

"I was taken. Like my grandmother. She fell in love with another women, just like me. She was taken by her girlfriends father. Like me. I think we were in the mountains. It was cold where we were." She said.

'I was right! She was taken by the UnSub from long ago. But that UnSub has to be atleast 80 something and would need help. She was taken by the son of the UnSub which happens to be her girlfriends father.' He thought.

"Is your giwlfwiend til alive?" He asked.

"Yes. She got away. But I don't where she is." She said.

"We'll find hew." He said.

Daisy smiled at the toddler and hugged him.

"Thank you little one." She said.

The officer took Daisy to the back where she could stay and be protected. Hotch came in and got Spencer. He looked at his families faces. They were shocked. Their baby cracked the case wide open.

They were gonna head off to the mountains but it was getting really late, and they needed the rest. So they wrapped up and headed to the hotel.


Hotch got his son ready for bed. He tucked him in and kissed his forehead. Hotch got ready for bed and settled next to his charge. He brushed a stray bang out of his eyes. Spencer rolled and snuggled into Hotch.

Hotch smiled and rubbed his back.

"Good job today. I'm proud of you." Hotch whispered.

Spencer smiled and settled down. Both slept well that night.


"She got away."

"So go get her."

"Can't. Plus the police are starting their patrol."

"Then sunrise you will trek down the mountain and bring my love back to me."

"Yes father."

The snow continued to fall that night in the mountains.

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