Chapter 74: Weekend with the girls

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It was a Friday afternoon and Hotch was helping his charge pack for his weekend with the girls. He packed enough clothes for the weekend and in case if they get called away, some pull ups just in case, a first aid, an extra blanket, and his night light. Spencer wondered if he was packing for a month or just a weekend. Once that task was done Hotch sat on the bed and settled Spencer in his lap.

"Alright buddy you're all packed. Be good for the girls. Let them help you, eat what they give you, mind your Ps and Qs, call me before bed-" He was cut off by a small voice.

"I'll be otay Hotch. Pwomise." Spencer said.

Hotch smiled and hugged him. "I know. So what am I suppose to do while you're gone?"

"Umm you have Mowgan and Wossi." Spencer said.

"Those two? I'll have more fun watching paint dry." Hotch snickered.

The two laughed. They stopped when they heard the doorbell. Hotch carried his charge and his go-bag downstairs. He looked outside and saw the girls. He let them in and Hotch put Spencer down to get his shoes.

"Alright ladies. He's all yours. Make sure he calls me every night before bed, I packed a first aid just in case, some extra clothes just in case we get called away, some pull ups, an extra blanket-" He was again cut off.

"Hotch we got this Spence is gonna be ok. Just try to find something to do." JJ said.

"We got this bossman. Believe it." Garcia assured.

Emily helped Spencer get his shoes on, then settled him on her hip.

"Ready guys?" She asked.

"Yep I'm ready." JJ and Garcia said.

Hotch smiled. He gave Spencer one last hug and a kiss on the forehead.

"Be good. But have fun." He said.

"I will." Spncer said.

Hotch helped pack and load up. He watched aa they left. He sighed. He trusted the girls, but he had a feeling he couldn't shake. He shook it off.

'You're just being paranoid. He'll be fine.' Hotch thought.


"Ok Spence, while we're shopping if you see anything you like let us know. We'll be happy to get for you." JJ said.

"Awe you ture? I don't want to impote." He said nervously.

"We're sure. Sweetie you're not imposing. Not one bit." Emily said.

"Otay." He said relaxing.

Garcia pulled out a tin and opened it.

"Wanna cookie my snuggle bunny?" She asked.

"Uh huh." Spencer said getting a cookie.

"Just one Spence. You still need to eat dinner." JJ said in that mother tone.

"Otay." He said with a mouth full of cookie.

They laughed.

Hotchs house.

Hotch was bored. He finished any and all of his paperwork, including Spencers. He cleaned the house, did the laundry. And it had only been about 4 hours since his son and the left.

He looked at the clock. 8:00pm. Spencer would be going to bed soon. He showered and got comfortable. He grabbed his phone and stared at it, waiting for his charge to call.


JJ carried out a freshly bathed and extremly red faced Reid. Emily and Garcia let out an 'aw'. JJ settled him in bed and handed him his phone.

"You promised Hotch you'd call. Remember?" JJ asked.

He nodded and dialed Hotchs number.

"Hi Hotch. Uh huh. We got hewe otay. Tomowwow. Uh huh. Otay. Good night daddy, I love you." He said handing his to Emily.

She placed it on the side table. She leaned in and kissed the toddler on cheek. Garcia and JJ did the same. JJ tucked Reid in and the girls got ready for bed as well.

Hotchs house.

Hotch had a stone cold stare on his phone. When it rang he answered immideatly.

"Hi Spencer. You okay? Did you guys make it ok? Good. When are you guys going shopping? Tomorrow. Have fun. Good night buddy, I love you too." He hung up and sighed.

He got up and went to bed.

Spencer and Hotch slept restlessly without each other.

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