Chapter 30: Life sucks so smile!

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Morgan carried a very upset toddler to the Hotchs room. He found out the UnSub had taken another victim and used one of the old dumpsites near Disney. Reid marked that site and they could've been there. Reid felt awful and somewhat sick.

When they got to the room, Morgan sat the toddler down, grabbed him gently by the chin and lifted his head so they met eye to eye. Morgan leveled a look with him.

"Baby bro, you know none of this was your fault right?" Morgan asked the distressed toddler. Not getting an answer, Morgan sighed. He got up and sat the toddler in his lap and rocked him. "Kid, you gotta stop this. You know better."

"I'm *sniffle* sowwy. But I mawked that sight and we tould've been fewe." Reid wiped the tears at his eyes.

"Pretty Boy, he could've used his own house for a dumpsite and we couldn't have gotten there. Point is kid, you need stop this guilt trip. You've been working your ass off to catch this sonofa bitch. But if you slow and calm down, you may actually catch this guy. Got me?" Morgan asked.

"Yes siw. Fant you Mowgan." Reid said leaning into him.

Morgans grip tighten around him. "You're very welcome. One last thing." Reid looked up at his big brother. "Smile little one. It's all good."

Reid gave his big brother a big sleepy smile. Morgan chuckled. "Atta boy." He said rubbing the toddlers back. He leaned against the beds headboard and hummed Reid a lullaby. Reid fell asleep peacefully no longer feeling so guilty.

The others at the station looked at Reids map and figured where the UnSub could be next and to their suprise Reid had pridected where he could go next. They visited the and low and behold there he was. They arrested him and interrogated him. Getting a cofession they were satisfied.

Hotch decided to text Morgan, while they were cleaning up and wrapping up their paperwork.

'Hey Morgan how's Spencer doing?'

'Fine. Sleeping peacefully.'

Morgan had sent Hotch a picture. Hotch smiled and saved the photo.

'Good. Does he still feel guilty?'

'No. I managed to knock some sense into him'

'Good, good. So no more guilt trip?'

'No. And no he's not upset anymore.'

'Alright. Thanks Morgan. I guess all he needed was his big brothers guiding hand.'

'No problem, it was time for the guilt trip talk anyway. And yeah but don't forget he'll always need his father figure, and his mothers, and sister, aunt and uncle. He needs everyones guiding hand.'

'No argument here. We're almost down here, so if you and Reid want to meet us at the diner down the street from the station for supper we'll be there soon.'

'We'll be there. Peace out bossman.'

Hotch rolled his eyes but chuckled.

'Bye Morgan.'

Hotch was glad Morgan knocked some sense into his second son. Looking at the photo of the peacefully sleeping toddler he smiled and closed his phone. The sooner they were done the sooner he could see his second son.

When they got to the diner, something was wrong. Reid had his head buried in Morgan.

"What's the matter Spencer?" Hotch asked worridley.

"Latew." The toddler said. His voice was shaking.

The family exchanged worried looks. They ate their meal and got the once again upset toddler back to the hotel. Once in the room the tears spilled. Reid hopped out of Hotchs arms and buried his face in the pillows and Artemis, the toddler sobbed. Morgan sighed.

"He got a voicemail while he was sleeping. It was his mothers hospital. Diana passed away this afternoon." Morgan said softly and sadly.

The family looked shocked and sadden. Hotch picked up the still sobbing toddler and held him tight.

After his bath that night. The toddler cried himself to sleep. Tomorrow they had to go to Las Vegas to bury Reids mother. Both of his parents were now gone. Other than his surrogate family he had no one. Hotch sighed deeply. Life just flat out sucks sometimes. Hotch got into bed and Spencer death gripped his shirt.

"Don't go. Peas." He said sleepily and sadly.

"Don't plan to. Ever." Hotch assured the boy. They slept the night away.

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