Chapter 66: 2 down 3 to go

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While Morgan was in the shower Spencer was on the phone with Hotch and Rossi. Hotch had been worried all night, so had Rossi but we all know he tends to hide it.

"I'm otay guys. Yes. I've been good. No. I'm not sit (sick) nor huwt. Uh huh. Yes siw, I will. Mowgan wants to talt to you. I will, pwomise. Bye." Spencer said handing the phone to Morgan.

"Hey Hotch how's the consult. Ohhh, that blows. He's fine Hotch. I've been keeping a good eye on him. Yes Hotch. Chill out boss, nothing's gonna happen. Alright. Bye." Morgan said hanging up the phone.

"Talk about paranoid." Morgan said.

"I-is he mad at me fow being on fa tase?" Spencer asked.

"What? No. Baby Boy, if anything he's just worried. He doesn't like us being on cases when he's at a consult. Esecially since you're little now." Morgan said. "Now let's get you bathed and gather the others. We have a case to solve."

Grabbing a tiny hand in his, Morgan gathered Spencers clothes and led him into the bathroom.


"Are you ok? You're sure? Have you been good? Are you sick, hurt? Positive? Be careful. Alright. Please be careful. Bye." Hotch said. Morgan voice came through the phone. "Morgan. Bad. We're nowhere near done. Is Spencer really ok? You're sure? Just keep him out of trouble, I know somethings gonna happen. Be careful both of you, I'll check in later. Bye."

Rossi looked over at the paranoid father. To be honest he was paranoid too. When he was away he always waited for his phone to ring to say his youngest was hurt or in some kind of trouble.

"Their gonna be fine Aaron. I trust them to keep our youngest safe." Rossi assured him.

"It's just hard to be away from him. Wether he's little or not. I always wait for that one call saying he's in trouble or bleeding in a hospital somewhere. Now that he's officially my son, the father instincts are kicking in." Hotch said.

"I hear you. Let's get this over with so we can get home and spoil the kid." Rossi said smiling.

Hotch chuckled. He knew to Rossi, Spencer was too like his son. And he was right the faster they got this done the faster he can get home with his son.


Emily, JJ, and Garcia were going through the mountain of names and students. Morgan and Spencer headed to the M.E.

M.E. Lab.

"Your victims all were raped and tortued, but died of dehydration. No traces of drugs or alcohol. I'm guessing your pack are the mordern type." The Doctor said.

"Thank you doc." Morgan said shaking his hand.

"Anytime gentlemen." He said.

Morgan settled Spencer in his carseat and jumped in the driver seat.

"Mowgan. Fa M.E. said fa victims died of dehydwation. I fint fa UnTubs leave fewe victims in faw out in fa desert. Fa victims would wandew awound and eventually die fwom no watew." Spencer said.

"Pretty Boy I think you hit the nail on the head. Let's get and tell Garcia." Morgan praised the toddler.

The Station.

"Ok so the people that pop up from universities that have criminal record are the following five. Bennett Edwards, Andrew Jackson, Celia Hatterman, Eli Stone, and Kai Matthews." Garcia said. "Kai Matthews. You don't think he's related to the chief do you?"

"I'm gonna find out." Morgan said angerily. "Wait. Where's Spencer?"

The girls glanced up. They looked around and saw Spencer in the chiefs office through the window.

They watched him curiously. He came tottling out and confirmed that Kai was the chiefs son. He also found out where his son goes and spends his time. Morgan and Emily headed out that way.

The two came a few hours later with Kai and Celia. They introgated them and got confessions. Morgan looked at his watch. They would have to find the other three in the morning.

They returned to the hotel. Hotch called again. The two talked to him and assured him they were fine. Clean and changed the brothers settled for the night.


Screams filled the air and then subsided.

The scent of blood was heavy in the air.

The last thing the person tasted was sand.

"Time to hunt again."

"What about Kai and Celia?"

"They got in there, they can escape on their own"

"Night's still young. Let's go."

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