Chapter 63: The chef from Hell

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Hotch was furious. Another victim in a 24 time period. The team was now working in overdrive. They couldn't afford another victim. Rossi, Morgan and Spencer went to a possible abduction site while Hotch, Emily, and JJ went to the new crime scene.

Garcia chilled back at the station like usual. Her finger working overtime. She needed a big cup of coffee with a ton of sugar. She was still trying to narrow the list of all possible people. Spencer suggested to try and see if any of the weapons used were stolen. She still 5 people on her list that stole kitchen equipment. Not wanting to give up she continued.

Crime Scene.

"What do we got?" Hotch asked.

"Jordan Summers, age 23. Her mother said she was suppose to be on her way home from a friends house but never made it." The officer said.

"Ok so the UnSub abducts at night and only takes females in their early to late 20s." Emily theorized.

"The UnSub doesn't take anything. She still has all her jewlery, and nothings missing from her purse. No sexual assualt. This could all be personal." JJ theorized.

Hotch only nodded. He was too upset to speak again. Deciding there was nothing else here they headed back to Garcia.

Abduction Site.

Rossi hung up his phone. Emily called to tell them there findings.

"Ok. So the UnSub waits all day and then snatches Jordan." Rossi said. "Where would he be hiding though?"

"He is a thef. Maybe he has food twuck or tart." Spencer theorized.

Rossi immidiatly got back on his phone to tell Garcia. Morgan chuckled.

"Pretty Boy, your brain never ceases to amaze me." He said.

Spencer chuckled.

"Garcia. See if one the people on the list owns a food truck or cart." He said. "I'll call Hotch. We will. We got our guy."

They piled in the SUV and took off.

"Hotch, we got our guy. Yes. Southwest Blvd. Look for a food truck or cart." Rossi said.

The Station.

"Magic eight ball." Garcia greeted. " Sir. Ok. Hot to trot. Railen Valdez, convicted of stealing and manslaughter. He also killed his girlfriend. He is currently located on Southwest Blvd. Ok. Be careful."

Hotchs SUV.

"Hotchner." He said. "You're sure? Where? Alright on the way."

"I take it we have our UnSub?" Emily asked.

"Yes." He said.

Southwest Blvd.

"Stay here Pretty Boy." Morgan said strenly.

Spencer nodded. He wanted to help but he knew Morgan wouldn't allow him to get hurt now that they were on the streets. Hotch showed up a few minutes later. JJ stayed behind with Spencer just in case.

They caught the UnSub and threw him the back of one SUV, and they headed for the station. The UnSub looked over at the baby in the carseat.

"You know. My girlfriend and I were thinking about adopting. When we called the place they wouldn't allow us to adopt because of our neighborhood. We were furious and argued. I pushed her and she fell down the stairs. She snapped her neck and died instantly. She was only 24. I felt a rush from it and to keep it satified I just kept killing." The UnSub confessed.

Morgan and Rossi were impressed. That was the third time Spencer got an UnSub talking without himself talking. Morgan swore it was the eyes.

They did all that was necessary when they got back to the station. They wrapped up the case and went back to the hotel.


Hotch carried out a freshly bathed and sleepy Spencer. Hotch was very proud of his son. He got three UnSubs to confess to their crimes by looking at them.

'Must be the eyes.' He thought.

He laid the baby and got ready for bed. He settled next to the toddler and wrapped his arm around him. Spencer snuggled into him and tightly held Artemis.

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