Chapter 65: Phoenix Arizona

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Spencer woke to smell of bacon and eggs cooking. He sat and fisted eyes. Clooney licked his cheek and the toddler giggled. He patted the German Shepard on the head. He grabbed Artemis and slide off the bed. Clooney followed the baby to the stairs. The dog grabbed Spencer and carried him down the stairs like a lion carries their cub. He carried him into the kitchen.

Morgan heard the sound of paws. He turned to see Clooney and laughed. He snapped a photo of the toddler in his mouth and sent it to the girls. Taking the groggy boy from the dog, Morgan settled him in his booster seat. Kissing the top of his head he turned back to the stove.

"Good morning baby boy." He greeted.

"Hi Mowgan." Spencer yawned.

Morgan chuckled. His baby brother was not a morning person. His phone buzzed. He got texts from the girls. The first was from Emily.

'Awwww! So cute! So going in the book!'

Next from Garcia.

'Too cute! Curse you and the other boys for hogging him!'

Last from JJ.

'So sweet! I guess Clooney didn't want Spence to fall down the stairs. Anywho guys. I hate to do this you but Strauss (being the bitch she is) has given me no choice. We have a case in Phoenix. Wheels up in 30.'

Morgan sighed. He sent a text back.

'Alright. See you guys at the airstrip.'

"Ok baby boy let's eat and pack." Morgan said.

"Otay." Spencer said with a mouth full of bacon.

Everyone piled onto the jet and sat in their usual spots. When it was safe to move about the cabin they looked over the file and began to profile.

"Phoenix Arizona. There has been a string of disappearences and a high body count in the desert. Phoenix PD thinks there could more than one UnSub." Garcia said.

"It hat to be a pact, sint fa body tount is so high." Spencer theorized.

"A pack would also explain the not only the many but fast disappearences and like Pretty Boy said the high body count." Morgan said.

"JJ do you know if Hotch and Rossi are joining us?" Emily asked.

"I talked to Hotch and no. Their consult isn't even half way finished." JJ said.

"We can handle this with or without them." Garcia said.

They smiled at her enthusiam. They continued to profile. They figure there is at least 3 if not more in this pack, with more than one Alpha, and a submissive or two if there's more than three in the pack. They also figure since the bodies are in the desert, the UnSub or UnSubs dump the bodies in the desert or leaves the victims for dead.

The Station.

Morgan carried in a sleepy Spencer. Everyone of course stared. The chief came out and introduced himself.

"Howdy y'all. Welcome to Phoenix. I'm chief Kaden Matthews." He said shaking everyone but Spencers hand. He glanced at the tiny agent. "Sleepy little guy huh?"

"Yeah. Munchkin here fell asleep on the ride here." Morgan said.

"My little one's the same. It doesn't matter how far we go, she's gone after five minutes. I assume car rides for them are soothing some how." Kaden said.

"That's my little brother to a T." Morgan said chuckling.

The chief led them to the conference room. They got settled and got to work. Spencer marked all the abduction sites and all the places in the desert where the bodies were found. Morgan and Emily went to the abduction sites while JJ went to handle the swarm that is the media.

A few hours later Morgan and Emily came back. Their guess about a pack was right. 4 people, possibly students.

Nightfall came. They were tired. Deciding to go to the M.E. tomorrow they left the station. They ate dinner and went to the hotel. Freshly bathed and dressed for bed Morgan and Spencer settled for the night.


"Please let me go."

"Not yet sugar. We're just getting started. Right boys."

A chorus of 'right' followed his question. He closed the curtain and did..well you know. Sobs filled the air.

"You're good sugar. Now sleep. Tomorrow's a new day!"

Twisted laughter and more sobs filled the air.

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