Chapter 128: The Doctor is out

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Abandoned Hospital-OR 9 fourth floor

Micheal, while polishing and cleaning, was whistling a happy tune evilly and creepily.

"Everything's in tip-top shape and ready to go. Now all I need is my patient." He said packing his 'first aid kit'.

He went to the stolen ambulance and headed towards town.

"This time you're mine child." He laughed.

Teams new hotel.

Hotch came out of the shower to find his charge still asleep. He sighed. Spencer had a nightmare-filled night. He was glad to see him finally asleep. He quickly got dressed and debated whether to wake his youngest or not.

A knock brought him out of his thoughts. He slowly made his way to the door and saw that it was Rossi and Morgan. He opened the door and let them in.

"Why's Spencer still asleep?" Morgan asked carefully sitting on the bed beside his brother.

"After the nightmare-filled night, I had figured I'd let him sleep in for a little," Hotch said.

"He okay?" Rossi asked with concern.

"He's fine. Just tired." Hotch said.

A whimper brought them to attention. Spencer was having another nightmare. Morgan scooped him up and rocked him slowly whispering to him.

"Shhh Spencer it's ok. I got you Pretty Boy. You're ok." Morgan whispered.

Spencer woke up and struggled. But then he smelled Axe and realized it was his brother holding him, not the UnSub. He put his thumb back in his mouth and laid his head back on Morgan's shoulder.

Morgan's hold tightened when his brother struggled. He stopped suddenly and dropped his head back on his shoulder. He rubbed the baby's back and kissed the top of his head.

"You okay Baby Boy?" He asked.

Spencer nodded. He didn't feel up to talking yet. Morgan helped him bathe and dress. He slid the baby's tennis shoes on and his jacket. He took the tiny hand in his and led him downstairs for breakfast.

Garcia was the first to greet the men. She scooped up Spencer who laid his head on her shoulder and fisted his eyes.

"Good morning my Junior G man." She said.

He looked up and smiled at her. She then settled him in a booster seat and they ate.

With full bellies, they made their way to the station.


If time could stand still. That's what it felt like when they got to the station.

Everyone was gone and the place trashed. Hotch tightened his hold on Spencer, fearing the UnSub was still around.

"Nobodies here. What the hell happened?" Emily asked.

"The UnSub probably did this," JJ said.

They looked at the wall next to them and gasped.

"Guys." They said.

They turned and looked. They too gasped. On the wall, there was writing. Writing in blood.

'I'll finish what I start. The child is mine!'

Something whooshed by them. Hotch's grip on Spencer tightened again. They needed to get him to safety but they knew they couldn't move if the UnSub were here. Garcia had an idea. Hotch and the others agreed.

"Ready?" Hotch whispered.

The others nodded. Spencer was given to Morgan who briefly left the room with the girls and came back in with a doll. Spencer was tucked away into Morgan's jacket. The others nodded at each other.

Hotch walked over to the girls and Morgan.

"Ladies you take Spencer back to the hotel, Morgan you, Rossi, and I will stay here and figure out what happened," Hotch said.

With that, the roof caved in leaving everyone semi-buried. Micheal walked in and took the baby from JJ and Garcia.

"Told you he was mine." He growled.

Micheal having completed his mission went back to the hospital.

Spencer moaned and tried to move but couldn't. The last thing he heard before being swallowed by darkness was distant sirens.

Abandoned Hospital-OR 9 fourth floor

Micheal laughed and laughed. He prepped the anesthetics even though the baby was knocked out already. he wanted this to feel like a surgery.

After getting everything in place he took the bag which held the baby and set it on the table. He slowly got him out and gasped.

He threw the baby on the ground and yelled in anger. That wasn't the baby! It was a doll! The real baby was still with his family buried under the roof.

He could always go back to the sight. But the drive took a half hour and the police and paramedics were probably already there.

He began laughing again. He laughed and laughed he couldn't breathe. He tried to regain his breath but couldn't. He suffocated, and that was the end of the line.

Micheal was no more.

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