Chapter 119: Big sister Emily

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Hotch and Spencer were both packing for the week and just in case a case came up. No, they didn't have a case. Hotch was called to New York to help his brother and Rossi was going with him, Morgan was in Chicago visiting his sisters, and JJ and Garcia were out of town for a girl's weekend so Emily was the only one who could babysit.

Spencer was actually happy. Whenever his daddy would be called away, Rossi or Morgan always babysat. Now it was his big sister's turn and Emily was looking forward to it as well.

All packed and loaded, Hotch settled the toddler in his car seat and headed towards Emily's apartment.

"Alright, Spencer you know the drill. Behave, mind your manners." Hotch was cut by a tiny voice.

"Daddy okay," Spencer said. He knew the drill perfectly well.

"Hey now. Emily has my permission to spank you if you're bad." Hotch said chuckling at the pout on the baby's face.

When they arrived Emily was already downstairs waiting for them. She walked up to the truck took Spencer out of his seat and tightly hugged him.

"Hey, Hotch. Hi Handsome." She greeted.

"Hi Emily." Hotch chuckled grabbing Spencer's go bag.

"Hi Emily." Spencer greeted giving his big sister a peck on the cheek.

Emily smiled. She was excited to be babysitting. She led Hotch upstairs and got Spencer settled in.

Emily put her little brother on his feet and Sergio popped in rubbing against his legs. Reid patted him and began playing with the black cat. The two older profilers chuckled and snapped a few photos. Saving them, Hotch began running down a list for Emily.

"Alright. You know when naptime is and when bedtime is. He's already had his nap for the day. He'll eat anything but mushrooms. He's really big on soda, though I only give him caffeine-free. Don't tell him that. We're all aware of the no sugar before bed policy." Before he could continue Hotch was once again cut off.

"Hotch. I got this. Spencer and I will be fine. If we get called away I'll call the others immediately. I'll make sure he gets to bed on time, and that he eats and if he gets sick my doctor isn't too far from here and I'll contact you right away. Hotch that's my little brother, As an older sibling it's my job to make sure his safe and sound and that's what I'll do." Emily assured.

Hotch nodded. Emily was right. Like Morgan, Emily would walk on glass to protect her baby brother. He glanced at his watch and realized he was going to be late if he didn't hurry.

"Spencer. I'm leaving now. Be good." Hotch called.

Spencer came racing over and raised his arms. Hotch smiled and scooped him. Spencer gave him a tight hug and kissed his cheek. Hotch did the same.

"Be tafe Daddy. And tell Wossi I taid hi." Spencer said.

"I will," Hotch said handing Spencer over to Emily.

"Bye Hotch have a safe trip," Emily called after him.

"Bye. Have fun." Hotch called back.

The door closed and Emily patted the baby's back.

"So just you and me Handsome." She said.

Spencer nodded. Emily carded a hand through his hair. She put his jacket and shoes on then hers and settled the baby in his stroller Hotch brought.

"Whewe awe we going?" He asked.

"Oh. Just for a walk." She said.

Spencer looked at her skeptically. He didn't know what was going on, but he knew she was up to something.

When they got to their destination she wheeled Spencer inside. She parked the stroller and scooped Reid out. She walked up to the counter and paid for ice skates. They were going ice skating!

"Umm, Emily? I nevew ite kated befowe." He said shyly.

"That's ok sweetie. I'll teach you." Emily said helping the toddler put his skates on.

Once they were on she scooped him up and carried him out on the rink and set on his feet.

He gripped her hands to his balance. She chuckled.

"OK now Handsome. Baby steps. That's it. Just follow me." Emily encouraged.

Spencer followed Emily and then fell on his butt. He looked up at Emily ashamed.

"I'm towwy." He said.

"Sweetie you have nothing to be sorry for. Falling is a part of learning. All you have to do is keep getting right back and try again. Now come on. I promise I'll be right here to help you." She assured.

Spencer got back up and tried again. After an hour Spencer was skating alongside Emily around the rink without falling flat on his butt. Emily took a ton of pictures and couldn't wait to share them with her family.

After a few hours, Emily and Spencer grabbed a bite to eat and headed home. She helped bathe and dress for bed. Before going to sleep Hotch checked in.

Spencer excitedly told his daddy that his big sister taught him how to skate. Hotch smiled and said he couldn't wait to come and home skate with him. Spencer yawned and said good night. He handed Emily her phone back and snuggled into the blankets. Sergio hopped onto the bed and snuggled next to Spencer.

Emily chuckled and snapped a photo and sent it to Hotch as a reassurance that he was okay. She leaned in and kissed his forehead and carded a hand through his hair. She got ready for bed herself and settled knowing her little brother was safe.

New York.

Hotch and Rossi chuckled at the picture of the peacefully sleeping toddler and cat on the bed. Assuring themselves Spencer was in good hands they settled in for the night.

After all, the faster they get this over with the faster they could get home to their baby.

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