Chapter 4: On a rainy day and seriously Struass!

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The next morning was a bummer. It was down pouring hard. Suddenly a shriek filled the cabin! But worry not, it's just Morgan tickling Reid to death. Reid giggled and laughed, and twisted and turned to get away from the tickle monster but Morgan was too fast and always caught him. The rest of the family smiled as the brothers continued to play on the floor. Escaping his clutches once more, the tiny agent jumped into Garcia's arms.

"Help me Gawtia! He's gonna get me!" Spencer playfully shouted. Garcia playfully glared at Morgan and said "Derek Morgan, you harm my sweet baby and I'll photoshop you!".

Morgan chuckled, raised his arms in surrender and said "No need for that Baby Girl. You defeated me for now Little Man, but I'm coming for you again believe it.".

Spencer giggled and stuck his tongue out at him. With that Morgan tickled his sides again. Laughing the mini agent swatted at his hands. Calming down Garcia sat down in the armchair next to the couch settling Reid in her lap, Morgan on the floor in front of them talking away like the others. Then Morgan got an idea. He remembered buying a make-it-yourself windchime kit. He was going to build it on a rainy day and what luck it's downpouring. He went outside to the SUV and got the kit he brought. He knelt down in front of Reid and asked him if he would build it with him after lunch. Reid smiled and nodded.

After lunch, the two brothers went into the garage and started making the chime. They worked on it for several hours, and when it was done they hung it up on the porch.

"Looks good gentlemen. Now when I come here to hunt and I get lost all I have to do is listen for my chimes." Rossi said with a smile. Reid and Morgan chuckled.

"You're welcome old timer." Morgan joked lightly.

"Old timer my ass. Now let's get Little Bit back inside before he catches a cold." Rossi said ushering them into the cabin.

When they got in they saw anger and sadness on their family's faces.

"What's wong? We don't have to go home yet. Do we?" Reid asked looking at his surrogate father. Hotch nodded sadly.

"Strauss called a few moments ago. We need to be home by tomorrow afternoon. We have a case but since our floor is being renovated we're meeting on the jet. Our case is out of state anyway." He said.

They all sighed. It wasn't fair! They just got there and were enjoying themselves! Ugh that woman!

That night they packed up everything in the SUV and went to bed angry and plotting Struass's demise.

The next morning they arrived at the airstrip in time. Strauss was already there and waiting for them to discuss the case. She noticed that Agent Reid wasn't present but a toddler who looked like him was. Before she asked they explained a mystery man attacked and drugged Reid and was now 2 instead of 30, They begged her to let Reid work and they promised they'd be careful and would keep a close eye on him. She believed and disbelieved them but rolled with it she discussed the case with them. A 35-45-year-old male was kidnapping teens and drugging them with an unknown experimental substance, the teens that escaped didn't quite look like themselves and the police didn't know what to do so they called the BAU hoping they could help.

"You better keep your eye on Agent Reid. I don't want a 2-year-old being hurt. I'll notify the station about this. Agent Reid try to stay out of trouble." With that Strauss left the jet and took off.

Beginning their profile it sounded like their UnSub is the person who drugged Reid! But to know more they would have to wait until they interview the escaped teens, and hopefully one would have an answer to what's going on and if it this the same person that turned Reid into a toddler.

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