Chapter 134: Snowed In

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Light humming filled the air as the UnSub prepared the 'meat' that her pet brought.

The victim awoke to the humming and found he was bound to a table and gagged.

"Well, well, well. Look who's up. Just in time! You get to watch your death!" She said, moving the overhead mirror into place so the victim could see himself.

The victim struggled but couldn't move, and the women started skinning him.

The bear in the corner watched. She couldn't help but feel bad. Why would her master make her fetch humans? Why would she do this?


At the cabin.

Spencer woke up and forgot for a minute where he was, remembering, he sat up and yawned around his thumb and rubbed his eyes with his free hand. He grabbed Artemis and looked around, noticing his big brother was already up.

Spencer started dozing off again until the door opened and revealed his big brother.

Morgan smiled at his baby brother and reached for him. Spencer crawled at him, reaching out to him, and was taken into Morgan's arms.

"Well, well. Look who's up. Doing good this morning, Pretty Boy?" Morgan asked while gathering Spencer's clothes and getting the bath ready.

Spencer mumbled his greeting sleepily. Morgan chuckled. His baby brother was cute waking up. After helping him with his business, Morgan helped him with his bath.

Once done and changed, Morgan took his brother upstairs and settled him in his lap at one of the tables.

"Morning buddy. Sleep well?" Hotch asked, kissing Spencer's forehead and setting a plate of waffles in front of him.

"Uh-huh." Spencer yawned and took a bite of the waffle.

"Good. We got a call this morning from Zander. Like us, everyone's snowed in. No one's going anywhere." Hotch said.

"So we'we tut hewe?" Spencer asked.

"Until they dig us out. Yes. Don't worry, Sport, we'll still catch the UnSub." Rossi assured.

Spencer smiled and nodded and took another bite of waffle. He pretended to feed Artemis. The kid was cute.

"All finished Handsome?" Emily asked.

Spencer nodded, and Emily took his plate. The girls cleaned up, and the men, including Spencer, went downstairs and started a game of pool.

While the game was going on, Spencer spotted something from the corner of his eye. It was a person. He concluded it was female by the way she walked and moved through the deep snow. Plus, she was small. He also saw blood dripping from her or her bag.

"Daddy! Fewe's pewson, and I fint she's huwt!" Spencer called.

Hotch went over to the door and looked at where Spencer was pointing, and he was right! Hotch went out on the balcony and looked closely. The blood was coming from the bag.

Hotch bolted back inside, grabbed Spencer and ran into his bedroom with Morgan and Rossi behind him.

Hotch texted the girls upstairs, and they went to a room on the third floor.

"Hotch. What's going on?" Morgan asked, breaking the silence.

"That girl was carrying a bag with blood dripping from it. I didn't want to risk her seeing us and Spencer." Hotch said, rocking the baby, tightly secured in his arms. "She may be our UnSub."

They agreed, but they would discuss it later. About five minutes later, Morgan, Rossi, and the girls moved about the cabin and couldn't see the girl anymore. Morgan got a sample of the blood that was on the ground. And had Garcia analyze it with the thing she brought.

"Bad news and worse news." She said. "Bad news, it's blood. Worse news, it's human. Our mystery woman was carrying a body."

They sighed. So it was their UnSub. A small yawn broke the silence. They looked toward their youngest and saw his head resting on Hotch's shoulder and his sleepy eyes drooping.

Hotch patted the baby's back, settling in the rocker next to the fireplace and rocking. He hummed a lullaby and began dozing off himself.

They watched happily at the father and son. They whipped out their phones and snapped a couple of photos of the sleeping pair. It was cute! Garcia saved it as her new background on her laptop. Just then, a news alert popped up on her screen.

Garcia opened it and played it.

"We advise everyone in the area to take caution and great care. A full-grown female black bear was spotted in Pidgeon Forge heading towards Gatlinburg. Again, take great care if you are out on the streets.

"Oh my," Garcia said.

The other looked outside and became frightened as a huge shadow thing appeared outside.


"Where oh where has my little bear gone? Where oh where can she be?" The UnSub sang while she was prepping for her next victim.

Satisfied with her spotless work area, she went upstairs and began cleaning and humming again. Satisfied once again, she did the same on the third floor.

Once she was completely satisfied she went to the secret room which looked like an old nursery. She sat in the crib, took the blanket and began rocking.

"Shhh. Little one. Mommy's here now." She cooed to no one.

She stayed like that until a bloody figure appeared and she took off. She swore at this so-called creature...but like the baby, it wasn't there.

She passed out.

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