Chapter 112: Lost in the castle!

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Spencer woke up the next morning a tad sluggish. He rolled over and got out of bed taking the blanket with him. He placed his thumb back into his mouth and grabbed Artemis. He trudged into the living room where his family was climbed into his daddys lap and leaned into him nearly falling back to sleep. Hotch nudged him and set his plate in front of him. Once done with breakfast Hotch got his son bathed and dressed.

Today the BAU family decided to go to the castle. They settled Reid into his stroller and headed off.

They were amazed to see that the castle looked bigger and more beautiful than on tv or in pictures. They walked up and started the tour.

Morgan took Spencer out of his stroller and set him on his feet and took his hand.

it started to get crowded after a few minutes. Morgan glanced down and noticed Spencer was missing!

"Hotch we have a problem!" Morgan exclaimed.

He noticed his son was not with them! They had to find him!


"Daddy! Mowgan! Daddy!" Reid cried out.

Spencer sighed. Where was his family? He heard footsteps appoarching from behind. He turned and saw an elderly lady.

She smiled at him. "Dear child. Are you lost?"

Spencer tightened his grip on Artemis and put his thumb in his mouth and nodded.

"Oh sweetie. I won't harm you." She assured.

Spencer looked at her and suddenly reconized her as the queen! He knew now he to play the three year old.

"Ganma?" He asked quietly.

"That's right sweetie pie. Come with grandma. We'll find your family." She said taking a tiny hand. "What's your name sweetie?"

"Pencew." He said.

"Spencer. What a wonderful name. It's been a while since I looked at after little ones. The princess is all grown up and married. Time flies so quickly this days. Oh listen to me ramble. You probably don't understand me." She said.

'Actually I do. But I have to pretend not too.' He thought.

He listened as the queen told him stories about the castle and what not.


The BAU family searched high and low for almost two hours. They saw no trace of Spencer anywhere. They tensed a little when they saw a guard heading their way.

"Excuse me. But have you lost a little boy?" He asked.

"Yes my son." Hotch said.

The guard nodded. "This way then."

He lead them down the corridor. He stopped in front of a closed door and knocked. When he heard a 'come in' he opened the door and motioned the family inside.

The queen looked up and put a finger to her lips while continuing to rock the sleeping baby in her arms. Gacia couldn't resist taking a picture. The queen chuckled. She didn't mind.

"I'm guessing this little one belongs to you?" She asked.

"Yeah. My son. Thank you for looking after him." Hotch said taking the sleeping boy.

"No problem. I wish my princess was still that size. They grow up so fast these days. It seems only yesterday Diana was running around." The queen rambled.

The team smiled and chatted for moment. Before leaving the queen gave Spencer a peck on the cheek and whispered to him.

"Good bye little one. If you ever come back to England come and see me."

"We'll be sure to drop in. Thanks again. I know this one can be a handful." Hotch said smiling.

"Don't worry. Diana was quite the handful when she young." She assured.

They laughed and then took Spencer back to the hotel.

Later that night Spencer told them everything. How he and the queen played chess and read english fairy tales. Then Spencer apoloized for getting lost. They team smiled at him and assured him it wasn't his fault and next time there was a big crowd they'd leave him the stroller.

Hotch got Spencer settled and laid down with him. He kissed the babys forehead and thanked god for the umpteenth time for keeping Spencer safe. Spencer rolled over and snuggled into Hotch and sighed in content. Hotch smiled and fell to sleep peacefully with his son.

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