Chapter 50: Caught and Adoption

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"Yeah Hotch we're ok. Reid's fine. Just shaken up. We're waiting for someone to help get the SUV out of the ground." Rossi said. He was talking to Hotch. "Are you guys ok? Good. He's fine Aaron. He doesn't need a hospital."

Rossi decided to let Spencer talk to the paranoid father.

"Hi Hotch." He said. "M'fine. So is Wossi and Emily. And Awtemis. I don't need a doctow. I'm not huwt. Yes I'm suwe. I will. Bye."

Spencer handed the phone back to Rossi where he tried once again to get the paranoid father to calm down. Emily and Spencer rolled their eyes.

"Are you sure you're ok Spencer?" Emily asked.

"Fow the finally time. Yes." Spencer said.

"Hey, I'm just making sure you didn't knock any brains out." She said.

Spencer rolled his eyes. He yawned. He was still tired. That and the heat didn't do him any good. He laid his head on Emilys shoulder. Emily began to rock him and rubbed his back.

At the station.

"Rossi are you guys ok? Is Spencer hurt?" Hotch asked worriedly. "Yeah we're all fine. The roof caved in but none of us got hit. Are you sure Spencer's fine?"

He heard Rossi give the phone to someone. A small child voice came on. He instantly knew who it was.

"Hi Spencer." He said. "Are you ok? That's good to hear. You sure you don't a doctor? You're positive? Ok. Promise me you'll tell them if not feeling good or if something hurts. Good. See you soon buddy."

Morgan came up to Hotch.

"They ok?" He asked.

"Yeah their fine. Their just waiting for someone to come and get the SUV out." Hotch said.

"Spencer ok?" Morgan asked.

"He swears he is. But I told if he doesn't feel well or if something hurts to Rossi and Emily." He said.

Morgan chuckled.

"What?" Hotch asked.

"Spencer. That stubborn hard head will hide if he has too. You might want to check him out yourself later." Morgan said.

"Right." Hotch said.

Back at the scene.

"Alright folks. Your SUV is back on all fours. Drive safe now. And you might want to get the little in some air conditioning. He looks a little flushed." The tow man said.

"Thank you." Rossi said shaking the mans hand.

"No problem." The man said and he took off.

"The mans right. We should get munchkin out here and to the hotel." Emily said.

She gently placed the sleeping toddler in his car seat. She took a towel and wiped the sweat off his forehead. He moved restlessly for a second and buried his face into Artemis. Emily climbed in and they headed for the hotel.

When they got there, they changed Spencer into more comfortable clothes. They woke him up so he could have some water and he dropped right back off.

After a few hours they profilers piled into Hotch and Spencers room. Spencer who was now awake was hard at work trying to find this guy. The family kept a close eye on him. After looking and connecting the dots Spencer found the UnSub! and Garcia IDed him! Emily and JJ stayed behind to look after their charge while the others went after him.

They caught the UnSub on the highway going back to the fault line. They nabbed him and took him back to the station to interrogate him. The UnSub was Brian Kaine. He was abused by his drunk father. He killed his father and got a rush from it. He liked the rush so he kept on killing. He used the earthquakes to his advantage.

Later that night after dinner, Hotch sent the file with the adoption stuff to Garcia. Hotch decided it was now or never to tell his charge.

"Spencer. We need to talk." He started.

Spencer nodded and sat next to Hotch.

"Spencer I'm adopting you." He told the toddler. " You're 2 now and need a father. So I talked to Garcia and she's handling everything."

Spencer hugged the man much to his suprise. Hotch thought he would've rebeled against it. But he smiled and hugged the toddler back.

"I alway fought of you as my fafew." Spencer said.

"And I always thought of you as my son." Hotch said. "Hopefully when we get back to Quantico you'll legally be my son."

"Knowing Gawtia, I pwobably alweady am." Spencer said.

They chuckled. Spencer then let out a yawn. Hotch looked at the clock and it was past a certain someones bedtime. Hotch picked up the toddler and bathed him. Freshly bathed the two got ready for bed and slept peacefully.

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