Chapter 55: Go Spencer Go

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Bang bang BANG! The cage door flug open. Spencer managed to kick it open. He stood up and tottled out.

'Good thing the cage was on the floor and tall enough for me to stand. Task two down. Tak three getting un-bound.' He thought.

He tried to wriggle out like he did with his legs. He got one arm free and took the tape off his mouth and other wrist.

'Task three down. Task four getting out of here.' He thought.

He went to the door and found it locked. Damn people and locking doors. He serceahed for another way and found a back door with a dog door he was small enough to fit through! He climbed through and he was outside. He climbed the really big stairs and took off for the station. For once he was glad for his eidetic memory. He studied the map he was working on carefully and with that he knew where he was going.

Hotch and the other soared down the road, screeching to a halt when they hit the house and underground lab.

Racing inside the UnSub was no where to be found. But his partner was asleep on the third floor in the bedroom. Rossi and Emily took care of him.

Hotch and Morgan managed to get into the lab and there was no sign of the UnSub or Spencer. But they notcied the cage was opened. They thought one of two things Spencer either escaped or the UnSub took him somewhere new. They turned when the back door opened. They trained their guns in that direction. It was the UnSub.

"Where is he you bastard?" Morgan growled dangerously.

The UnSubs eyes went wide. His subject escaped! Before he could get to the cage Hotch snagged and punched him and started yelling. But the UnSub wouldn't talk. The handcuffed him and put him in the back of the SUV. His partner was in the other with Rossi and Emily.

"Where's Spencer?" Rossi asked.

"We don't know." Morgan said.

They headed back to the station. Hotchs phone went off.

"Hotchner." He said. When he heard the voice his speed quickened. "Is he okay? You're sure? Alright, we won't. We're on our way."

"Who was that?" Morgan asked.

"Garcia. She has Spencer." Hotch said.

Spencer walked in the station and tiredly tottled over to Garcia and tugged on her skirt. She looked down and saw Spencer! She picked him up and hugged him tightly.

"Thank goodness you're ok!" She cried.

"I'm *yawn* otay." He said sleepily.

"You must be exhausted. Sleep my sweet baby. I've got you." She said sniffling.

Spencer closed his eyes and dropped off. Garcia grabbed her and called Hotch.

"Hotch. I have Spencer. Yes he's fine. I'm sure. There's not a mark on him. He sleeping now so don't you dare come waking my baby up. Alright, we'll be here." She said.

The others came in and took the UnSubs to seperate interrigation rooms and got what they needed. Hotch came in the conference as quietly as he could and took the sleeping toddler from Garcia. They wrapped up the case and headed back to the hotel.

Once there the gang gathered in Hotch's room and slept there. Hotch had a death grip on his charge. Preparing himself for a nightmared filled night the father settled down with the boy and slept.

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