Chapter 75: Austin Texas

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Spencer looked around the big mall. The ones back home were smaller. JJ chuckled at the toddler in her arms. Reid was just so cute. When he spotted the candy shop his sweet tooth went into overdrive.

"JJ tan we go in fewe?" He said pointing to the candy shop.

'Oh Spence. You and your sugar.' JJ shook her head. "Sorry sweetie, but you know the rule. No sweets before lunch."

The three girls chuckled when his bottom lip poked out in a pout.

"How about after lunch we get a giant cookie?" Garica asked.

"Otay." He said.

"Good boy." Emily said ruffling his hair.

Back home.

Hotch sighed. He missed his charge. There was nothing to do. The paperwork was done, housework complete, lawn mowed. There wasn't even a Tribe game on.

He'd hang out with Morgan and Rossi but they had plans. Morgan was visiting his mom and Rossi well, he liked his privacy.

He sighed again and continued to stare at his phone with the same stone cold stare as last night. The feeling he had when Reid left came back.

'Again. Paranoia. He's fine. The girls are with him. Their all fine.' He thought.

The mall.

Spencer was enjoying his time with his mom, sister, and aunt. They were now sitting at the food court listening to the groggy boy spout off facts and what not. But now they needed to get the sleepy boy back to the hotel.

But before they left, true to her word Garcia got Reid a giant cookie and told him he can have a piece after his nap.

He agreed and laid his head back on JJs shoulder.

Back home.

Hotch was going stir crazy! He was bouncing off the walls! Deciding he couldn't wait any longer, he called JJ.

"JJ. How is he? Good. I know. Just be careful. I have this really bad feeling I can't shake. Right. Thanks JJ. Bye." He hung up.

Feeling better he took JJs advice and just went for a drive.


The girls were laughing and whispering. Trying on the clothes they bought. JJs phone went off.

Figures it was Hotch. She rolled her eyes.

"Hi Hotch. He's fine. He's sleeping. He's okay Hotch. Okay. We'll take caution. Hotch I know you're stir crazy right now, so why not take a drive. Clear your head. No problem. Bye." She hung up.

She told the Emily and Garcia about Hotchs bad feeling. They looked at their charge. For Hotchs sake and sanity they were going to take extra care.

JJ cursed when her phone went off again. It was the one person other than all the UnSubs. Strauss. She answered and hung up. She turned to the girls and tolded them to pack up. They had a case.

They packed up and gently picked up their sleeping baby and left.

On their way to the airstrip, JJ called the others.


"Austin Texas. Males of the age of 20-25 have been disappearing. 5 were drowned, and 7 were burned alive on a stake. Police believe this is a hate crime on men. The UnSub is definatly female. Between the same ages as the victims." JJ relayed.

"Fa Un *yawn* Tub tould pwactice witch twaft and blames men fow bwuning fem on fa tacke long ago." Spencer said sleepily.

They didn't even notice he was awake. But he could have something.

They landed and since it was late, they just set up and went to the hotel.

Hotch got his son bathed and changed. Once he was changed he settled next to his charge and the two slept peacefully.



"Where am I?"

"You're going to Hell heathen."

"Hell? But I've done nothing wrong."

"I beg to differ."

*chants in unknown language*

Screams and smoke filled the night sky.

"Death to all who appose me."

The screams died and laughter took its place.

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