Chapter 24: Real family

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The BAU family. No. Reids family all gathered in Hotchs hotel room. Their gazes never leaving the passed out toddler. He had a few scrapes and bruises, nothing serious. Hotch had a death grip on him. The could've lost him again. But not to any UnSub. To William Reid.

Morning: BAU

JJ knocked on Hotchs door. She entered when she heard a come in.

"We have a case in Las Vegas." She told.

"Gathered the team." He said. She nodded and did what she was told.

They all gathered at the round table and gave JJ their full attention.

"Las Vegas, Nevada. A string a of disappearances have been occuring. 3 bodies were discovered last night and 2 this morning. That's five in total. The police need our help figuring out if there's more than one UnSub. There expecting us ASAP." She said.

"Then let's not time. Wheels up now." Hotch declared.

They got their things and headed of the airport.

Morning/Afternoon: Jet

Reid didn't like cases where they traveled to his home town. He couldn't see his mother, not the way he was now. There was also a feeling he just couldn't shake.

"You okay baby boy?" Asked Morgan

"Yeah." He told him.

"Something's on your mind kid, tell us." Rossi encouraged.

"I jut have a weally bad feeling about fis." He said.

"Bad feeling? What do you mean, like something bad may happen?" Hotch questioned.

Reid just nodded. Not wanting press the issue farther than they should they began profiling.

They figure their UnSub is in their late 40s early 50s, medium build atleast, and has lived in Las Vegas their whole life.

They landed and headed to the station.

Afternoon: Police Station

When they got to the police station, it was empty. The building looked abandoned. Papers everywhere, desks overturned, the place was a mess. But they weren't alone.

William Reid stood before them, gun drawn. But it was one gun vs five. William didn't stand a chance.

"I want my son." He said.

"Hell no." Morgan said.

"Spencer. Come here now." William said warningly.

"No! You're not my fafew! Aawon Hotchnew is! Mowgan is my brothew, Emily's my sistew, JJ's my setond mofew, and Wossi and Gawtia awe my aunt and untle! Fewe my famaly!" The toddler shouted.

A huge fight broke out. Spencer got caught in the middle once or twice. Garcia and JJ got him out. They looked their charge and saw bruises and scrapes. Deciding to take Reid to the hospital they got into one of the SUVs and drove off.

A shot rang out. Morgan had done what he wanted to do for a long time. Putting a bullet in his baby brothers abuser. William Reid was now dead.

Afternoon/Evening: Hospital

The mood in the waiting room was filled with rage. William had abused Spencer for years, abandons him, then tricks him. But since he was dead the toddler was free from the abuser.

JJ and Garcia carried out a now peacefully sleeping toddler.

Reid was frantic, so they knocked him out. The two girls told the others he was fine. Nothing but bruises and scrapes. They took him back to the hotel.

Back to present

The family slept warily and caustiously that night. Reid had a few nightmares, but they expected that. At his real family was here to help him.

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