Chapter 130: Spencer should come with me

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"Haley? What are you doing here?" Hotch asked.

"Hi, Aaron. Hi Spencer." She said. "Yes, I know it's you. Don't ask. I have my sources."

Spencer looked up at Hotch, who had no idea what was going on, he gently put Spencer on his feet and his tiny hand in his.

"Now Haley, For the final time. Why are you here?" Hotch asked.

"For Spencer. Aaron, I know legally he's yours, but he's a baby now. He shouldn't be working for the BAU anymore. He should be in daycare." She said sternly.

Hotch was furious. How dare Haley come here and try to take his son away. She took one, and that was enough.

"Now Haley, I-" He started.

"Daddy!" said a familiar voice.

He saw Jack coming out of the kitchen with a cookie in hand. Hotch knelt, still holding Spencer's hand and hugged Jack. Hotch then had an idea.

"Jack, meet your baby brother Spencer." He said.

"Hi Spencer! I'm Jack! Wanna go play?" Jack asked.

"You two can go play while we talk. Oh, and Jack, be careful with him. He's small and has stitches in his head." Hotch warned.

"Okay!" Jack said. He took Spencer's hand and led him upstairs to the playroom.

Minding the stitches in his head, Jack built a fort and gathered some toys. Spencer watched Jack from underneath the fort. Since he was with him, he had to be careful how he acted. He wasn't sure how well Jack would process that his Uncle Spencer was a three-year-old.

"I have lots of cars and legos we can play with," Jack said happily, carrying armfuls of toys. He was excited to have a brother. He wondered if he could come back to California with him and his mommy. He felt a tug on his shirt. He looked at his baby brother.

"We pay now?" Spencer asked.

Jack smiled, and they played for hours. Or at least until they heard arguing.

Meanwhile, downstairs in the living room!

"You're not taking him Haley. He's mine legally. There's nothing you can do." Hotch said, crossing his arms.

"Aaron, will you hear yourself? You're letting an innocent baby, Well, Spencer has always been a baby, but you can't let him work a job like this! It's too dangerous!" She said.

"Haley. He wants this. He wanted to stay at the BAU. This is his choice, not mine. And he can't do daycare! He's too smart, and he'd go stir-crazy!" Hotch raised his voice.

"Aaron, you'll kill that poor boy! His decision or not he's coming home with me." Haley growled.

"I will not let you take another son!" Hotch shouted.

A scream and then a cry broke out. Hotch looked to the stairs and bolted. He nearly hit Jack on the way up.

"Daddy, come quick! Spencer's bleeding!" Jack shouted, grabbing his father's hand and leading him to Spencer.

Jack and Spencer stopped playing and listened as Hotch and Haley argued. Reid didn't want to leave Quantico. And it was his choice. He still wanted to work at the BAU, no matter what his age and size were. Suddenly, the blanket roof collapsed! Spencer yanked the blanket off and saw that he had torn out his stitches! His stitches got caught in the blanket, and he pulled them out. The pain hit him like a ton of bricks! He screamed and held his bleeding head and cried. Jack saw the blood and raced to get his daddy! He bumped into him on the stairs, grabbed his hand and led him to the crying baby.

Hotch saw Spencer holding his head and crying. He scooped him up and tried to get him to calm down.

"Spencer, please settle down. I need you to tell me what happened," Hotch said, rubbing the baby's back.

"T the f f fell and it g got c c caught on fa blanket, and p pulled o o out m my t titches!" Spencer stammered. "D daddy! It huwts."

"I know, buddy. Let's get you to the hospital." Hotch said soothingly.

He raced down the stairs and their shoes and coats on. He settled Spencer in his seat and took off.

At the hospital.

Spencer had finally given in to the Children's Tylenol he was given. The doctor came back and stitched Spencer up.

"Alright, Dad. He's all patched up. Now, try to keep the stitches in. No roughhousing, don't give him anything that'll snag on them, and remember, keep them dry until his next appointment. They are dissolvable, but they need to stay in." The doctor said.

"Thank you, doctor." Hotch adjusted his hold on the sleeping boy and took him home.

Hotch's house.

Hotch saw that Haley and Jack were gone but left a note.

"Aaron, Our talk isn't over. I'll come by tomorrow. I'll drop Jack off at Jessica's so Spencer can sleep. But we will discuss this!


Hotch rolled his eyes. He patted the baby's back and just got ready for bed. He was tired and didn't want to do anything else, so he put his and Spencer's pyjamas on for the rest of the day. Hotch grabbed his favourite blanket and popped in a movie. He decided to watch the cartoon version of Speed Racer. He used to love it as a child. He layed on the couch with Spencer on his chest, watching the selected episodes and dozed off with him.


Hotch just threw something simple together for dinner and bathed Spencer. He placed him in clean pyjamas and gave him his medicine.

The father and son watched TV til they drowsy again. Hotch carried the half-asleep baby upstairs and decided to put him in bed with him.

"Daddy?" Spencer asked.

"Yeah, buddy?" Hotch asked.

"I don't wanna go wif Haley. I want to tay wif you." He said sleepily around his thumb.

"I know. She won't take you. I promise." Hotch assured.

The father and son slept with worry.

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