Chapter 105: Phase Three

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Emily slowly came too. She opened her eyes and saw they were in some type of an arena. She looked at her teammates who hadn't woken up yet. She woke up Garcia first.

"Pen wake up. Come on." She begged.

Garcia groaned and opened her eyes. She saw Emily and turned her head. She couldn't see anything without her glasses.

"Looking for these huh?" Emily asked handing her her glasses.

"Thank you dove." Garcia said putting her glasses on.

She looked around and saw the arena. She gased when she saw the other hadn't woken up. She and Emily went over to Morgan and Rossi.

"You take these two. I'll wake Hotch and Spencer." Emily said.

"On it." Garcia said waking Morgan first then Rossi. They came too slowly.

Emily woke Hotch he slowly and carefully sat up. He saw he still had Reid in his arms. But the boy was still out.

"Come on Spencer time to wake up." He said.

Spencer groaned and slowly opened his eyes. He looked around at the arena they were now trapped in.

"Everyone ok?" Hotch asked.

Getting a 'yes' from everyone he and the others explored the arena.

"Wonder what the bitch has planned for us this time?" Emily asked.

"Knowing her something that gets rid of us one by one." Rossi said.

"Correct old timer." Strauss appeared in the balcony.

"So what now bitch?" Morgan said.

"That's not nice Agent Morgan." She said. "But since you asked. Phase two is complete. Phase three. Elimination. You'll be competing against each other. The last one standing will earn whatever it is he or she desires. And no. You don't have a choice."

The family looked at each other sadly. They could never go against each other. Not like this.

"First match. Agents Morgan and Hotchner. Hand to hand combat. First out of the ring loses." She announced.

"This is ridiculous! I will not Hotch! Not like this!" Morgan shouted. Yeah Morgan wanted to kick Hotchs ass from time to time but not like this. Hotch felt the same.

"You don't have a choice. Spectators take your seats. The match WILL begin shortly." Strauss said.

Morgan turned to Hotch.

"Hotch man.."Morgan began to say.

"Don't hold back." Hotch said.

"But Hotch.." Morgan began to protest.

"Morgan. I won't hold back. Neither should you. But if it comes to me being knocked out take care of Spencer." Hotch said. Seeing the look on Morgans face. "Morgan you and I both know we wanted to go at times, now we don't have a choice."

"You're right. I hate this. But you'll still take care of Spencer. We're all going home no matter what." Morgan said. Seeing Hotchs face. "But if it comes to it. I'll take good care of Spencer."

Hotch nodded. The two shook hands and briefly hugged. They stepped into the ring. Morgan on one side, Hotch on the other.

"Begin." Strauss said.

The two hesitated at first but went at it.

"Daddy, Mowgan." Spencer whispered sadly.

He turned and buired his head in Rossis shoulder. He couldn't stand to his father and brother fight. Rossi tightened his grip and kissed the top if his head.

"Everythings gonna be fine. You'll see." Rossi assured.

Spencer didn't really believe him. He just kept his turned away.

Minutes felt hours. Morgan landed the final hit and Hotch went down.

"This match is over. Well done Agent Morgan." Strauss said.

"What'll happen to Hotch?" He asked.

"He is of no use to me anymore. He'll be dropped at local hospital." Strauss shrugged.

Spencer jumped out of Rossis arms and bolted in the ring. He knelt beside Hotch.

"Daddy?" Spencer asked.

"Sp Spencer. B be good for M Morgan." Hotch got out.

Spencer began to cry. Morgan scooped up Spencer and held him tight as he squrimed to get free.

The ring disappeared and so did Hotch. Spencer bawled and fought to get free. His struggles died as Morgans grip tightened. He soothed the toddler the best he could. Spencer began to calm down to the point where only sniffles could be heard.

"You all should get some rest. The next game will begin soon. Shower rooms are that way. Ta-ta. I must get Hotchner to the hospital." She said as she walked out.

Morgan and Rossi took Spencer to the shower rooms and got him bathed and dressed in fresh clothes. They did the same as well as the girls.

They huddled together and slept as best as they could. Spencer snuggled into Morgan. Spencer wanted Hotch. His father.

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