Chapter 54: I don't want to be a scince project

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"-otch...Hotch...HOTCH WAKE UP!"

Hotchs eyes snapped opened and he sat straight up. He looked around and found he was still at the station and his family looking at him worriedly.

"Hotch what happened? Where's Spencer?" Morgan asked.

"Spencer. He's in the conference room. I locked him in there. I went to interview some guy that came in and he knocked me out." He said.

"No bodies in the conference room." Rossi said.

"The person. He must be the UnSub." Hotch said groggliy.

The team exchanged worried glances again. Their youngest had been taken. By a scientist no less! They moved to work. They needed to find this son of a bitch! Rossi glanced at Hotch. He looked dead on his feet.

"Hotch. Go back to the hotel and sleep this off." Rossi told him, his phone pinged. He sent a text back and put his phone back in his pocket.

"No. It's my fault he's gone. I have to find him." Hotch said.

"Aaron, you look like you're ready to pass out again. Now. Garcia's waiting for you." He said sternly.

Hotch knew better than to argue with Rossi. He went outside and found Garcia waiting for him in a rental car. He got in and garcia headed to the hotel.

When they got there, Garcia helped Hotch upstairs.

"So what're you doing here?" He asked.

"Morgan told what happened, so I booked a flight and got here just a few moments ago." She told him. "Now off to bed bossman. I'll use my magic to help get our genius back."

Hotch smiled and got comfortable. He fell asleep to the sound of fingers rapidly typing on keyboard.

'If anyone can find Spencer, it's Garcia.'

Spencer didn't like this at all. He was trapped in a cage. Bound and gagged. He cried alittle. He wanted his family! He wanted Artemis!

"Hello little one." The UnSub grinned evily. "I'm Dr. Altmen. I'll be experimenting on you today."

'NO! STAY AWAY!' Spencer screamed in his head.

He phone pinged.

"On second thought you look alittle tired still. I'll let you sleep alittle longer. And I've got to get to work. Good night." He said leaving.

'Atleast he left the lights on.' He thought. 'Hotch, Morgan, Rossi. Please find me. Emily, JJ, Garcia. I miss you. Please please find me.'

Spencer laid down and tried to sleep. But he couldn't. He had to find some way out.

After a few hours. Hotch felt better and got right to work.

"Morgan did you get the name of the guy who came in?" He asked. "How security footage? Send it to Garcia now."

He glanced over at Garcia. Her fingers flying over the keyboard. Her phone pinged.

"Speak chocolate god." She said. "Yes I got the footage and I'm Iding the baddie now." Her finger rapidly typing. "Ok I got him! He's Dr. Norman Altmen. He was a scientist but was fired when he started conducting illegal experiments on childern. His address and underground lab are at 723 Hillman Drive."

"Morgan, Rossi meet me there. Garcia I'm taking the rental car." Hotch said.

"Here bossman. Bring my sweet baby back to me with no casualties or mutations." She said.

"I will." Hotch said.

Hotch raced down the stairs. He thought the elevators would take too long. When he got in the car he sped off.

Spencer managed to wriggle his legs free.

'Task one down. Task two, get out of the cage.'

He moved so he was on his back and kicked the cage door.

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