Chapter 67: 2 down 1 to go

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Early the next morning the team was called to station. Another body was found in the desert. The victim was raped, tortured and left for dead. Upon hearing this Spencer although he was still half asleep, got right to work. Morgan and the girls followed suit. After looking some stuff over Spencer had something.

"Mowgan." He said.

"Yeah Pretty Boy?" Morgan asked.

"I found fat one of fa UnTub has a bweathing pwoblem." Spencer said.

"Guys got a hit on at a pharamacy." Garcia said.

With that Morgan and Emily took off.


Morgan and Emily casually went in and searched the place. They found two of the three UnSubs. The UnSubs looked up and bolted. Morgan went one way and Emily the other.

Morgan chased one of the boys outside and tackled him. Cuffing him he threw him in the back of the SUV.

Emily chased the other boy around and got him before he went over the fence. She cuffed him and brought him around front where she threw him in the back of the SUV. They contacted Garcia and told her they were on their way back.


While the girls waited for Morgan and Emily, Spencer was on an online chat with Hotch and Rossi.

AHotchner: So everythings ok?

BoyGenius87: Yep.

GameHunter6: That's good. You staying out of trouble?

BoyGenius87: Yes.

BabyGirl25: He's been very good! He stared down the chief and got to tell us where his son was.

GameHunter6: Way to go kiddo!

AHotchner: Nicely done.

BabyGirl25: Morgans back, we gotta go bossman. Talk to you later.

BoyGenius87: Bye!

AHotchner: Bye be safe.

GameHunter6: Be good kiddo.

With that they logged off. They had an interogation to listen to.

Interogation rooms 2 & 3.

Morgan was getting nowhere. Neither was Emily. These two were alphas. alphas don't break so easily whereas the submissives or in pack their known as omegas break like toothpicks. Hence way their at the bottom of the pack.

Spencer decided it was his turn. He got other UnSubs to talk, maybe he can get these guys to talk. He walked in to Emilys room first. Emily looked and quickly grabbed the toddler.

"Spencer! What are you doing in here?" She scolded. She went to take him to Garcia but was stopped.

"Is he your son?" The boy said.

"No. He's my baby brother." She said.

"I had a little sister his age. Her name was Lily. We lived near the desert and wondered away and got lost. They found her body in the desert a few days later." He said. "I'm Andrew by the way."

With that the officer took him away. Emily although not happy Spencer came in the room, but very proud of him. She knew Morgan probably wasn't having much luck so she sent Spencer in to help him.

Spencer tottled in and Morgan scooped him up and settled him on his hip.

"He your boy?" The boy asked.

"No. Little brother." Morgan said.

"I had a brother. He was 29 when he died. He was murdered in the streets by a gang. My mother went mad and my dad left. My mom now is in prison for manslaughter. She killed the man who killed my brother. Protect him. You won't know how much he means to you til he's six feet under. I'm Eli just so you know. The leader is Bennett. Be careful he's dangerous." Eli said.

He too was taken away. Morgan sighed and patted Spencers back. He was proud. Leaving the room, they decided to wrap for now.

"Morgan, we still have one person to catch." JJ said.

"I know. But a certain someone just knocked out." He said.

They looked at the boy and smiled. Spencer was indeed asleep.


Later that night Morgan told Hotch how Spencer got the UnSubs to talk when they couldn't. Hotch was a tad upset but proud to say the least. They talked for a few minutes and settled in for the night.


"Oh profilers. You took my pack away. Now I'll take your pack away."

Twisted laughter filled the night sky.

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