Chapter 118. Thanksgiving

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It had been a few days since their case with the new director. They were home and their paperwork was finished.

Hotch and Spencer were getting ready to go to JJ's house for Thanksgiving. JJ volunteered to be in charge of the dinner and the others could bring a dish if they liked. They made all the arrangements on the plane ride home.


They trudged onto the jet and settled in their sets. When it was safe to move about the cabin they decided to discuss an important matter. Thanksgiving.

"So y'all. What're we gonna do about Thanksgiving?" Morgan asked.

None of them really had plans.

Morgan's sisters had work and his mom was visiting his aunt in Florida, Emilys parents were out of town, Rossi had no plans, Will and Henry were still in New Orleans and they were gonna celebrate it there, Hotch and Spencer had no plans either.

"How we celebrate it at my house. I have no plans. Henry and Will aren't coming in. Plus it'll give me a chance to cook instead of ordering out for a change." She chuckled.

The others chuckled.

"Do you want some help JJ. Garcia and I would be more than to." Emily offered.

"Thank you. And sure. It'll be more fun." JJ smiled at them.

They returned her smile.

"Then that settles it. JJ house for Thanksgiving." Hotch said.

Once that task was finished they settled in their favorite places and did what they wanted. JJ and the girls chatted about the dinner, Morgan fell to sleep with Reid in his arms, Hotch did the paperwork, and Rossi worked on his book.

Hotch and Spencer made cookies in the shape of turkeys while watching the Macy's Day Parade. Once they cleaned up the kitchen and themselves, they headed for JJ's house.

When they got there Emily and Garcia were there and Morgan had just arrived. The two got out and greeted each other.

"Hey, Hotch." Morgan greeted.

"Morgan." Hotch said opening Spencer's door and finding him half asleep.

"It's someone's naptime huh?" Morgan said.

"Yeah. Who knew car rides could be so relaxing to a toddler?" Hotch asked.

"I bet he does. Here let me take him." Morgan said.

"You sure? Don't you have stuff to carry in?" He asked.

"I can always have one of the girls get it." Morgan said taking the sleepy toddler out of his seat.

"Hey sleepy baby. Nappy time huh?" Morgan asked softly.

Spencer nodded and fisted his eyes. Morgan carried him in and held the door open for Hotch so he could carry in his stuff.

Garcia came running in. But quietly. Hotch told the girls in the kitchen it was a certain someone's naptime.

"Hi my chocolate dream. Hello my sleepy baby." She cooed kissing Spencer's forehead.

"Hey baby girl. Do me a favor. I have stuff in my SUV, could you go grab it for me while rock Pretty Boy here?" He asked.

"Oh of course. Be happy to assist. Good night my baby agent." Garcia said.

"Night." Spencer whispered losing his battle to stay awake.

Morgan chuckled and patted the baby's back. He settled in the rocker and rocked. It didn't take long for Reid to fall asleep. Once asleep he stopped rocking and went into the kitchen.

"JJ. Can I lay Spencer down in your room?" Morgan whispered.

"Sure. You want me to take him?" She whispered back.

"No, I got him." He whispered.

He went upstairs and tucked Spencer in. He carded a hand through his soft hair. He watched his little brother sleep for a few moments. Reluctantly he got up and went downstairs to help the others. When he got there Rossi was there.

"Where's the kid?" He asked.

"Sleeping. It's past his naptime." Hotch said.

"I thought you were helping in the kitchen?" Morgan asked.

"I got kicked out by Garcia." He said. "Spencer go down ok?"

"Yeah. He's alright." Morgan assured.

A few hours later Spencer came downstairs with his waking-up appearance. Hair sticking out, thumb in his mouth, and Artemis tightly in his arms. He tottled over to Hotch and climbed into his lap. Hotch smiled and rubbed the baby's back. He kissed the top of his head.

"Hey buddy. Sleep okay?" He asked.

Spencer nodded and fisted his eyes.

"Hey kiddo." Rossi greeted.

"Hi Wossi." Spencer yawned.

The men chuckled. He was so freaking adorable waking up. Emily popped in and she took Spencer from Hotch and hugged him.

"Hi Handsome." She greeted kissing his forehead. "Are you hungry? Dinners almost ready."

"Uh-huh." Spencer said.

Emily sat down for a minute and talked with the guys. When she was called back to the kitchen she reluctantly put Spencer down and headed back. JJ popped in and did the same as Emily except she put in a movie for Spencer. Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.

Spencer sat quietly and watched the movie til dinner was ready. The men expected him to go off on a tangent but instead, they heard giggling. It made them happy to see their youngest so content and carefree for once.

Once dinner was ready they headed into the dining room. Before digging in Rossi had everyone join hands in a small prayer. After that, they took a seat. Hotch placed Spencer in the booster seat next to him. Emily sat next to Spencer, Rossi sat next to Hotch, JJ sat next to Rossi, Morgan next to Emily, and Garcia next to Morgan.

While Hotch was fixing Spencer a salad, Emily took his other plate.

"What would you like Handsome?" She asked.

"Tome tuwtey and wanch, mash pota'oes, and tome tinnamon apples." He said.

She nodded and fixed his plate. He dug into the delicious food. So did everyone else. For dessert, there was pumpkin and Oreo pie, a ton of cookies, some Italian dessert Rossi made, and a cake Morgan made from his mom's recipe.

After dinner, the family was so full. They helped clean up and settled in the living room. They just talked and BSed, and just enjoyed each other's company. They watch some more Thanksgiving cartoons courtesy of Garcia.

About 9 pm they started heading home. Morgan and Emily were the first. They wanted to check on their pets. Rossi left next. Hotch and Spencer left after Rossi and Garcia stayed longer. She didn't want JJ to be alone.

When Hotch got home he took his tired charge upstairs for his bath and got him ready for bed. He rocked Spencer for a moment while reading to him. He read 'One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish.'

When Spencer was sleeping soundly, Hotch laid him down and kissed his forehead.

"Sweet dreams buddy." He whispered. He palmed his cheek. "I love you."

"I love you daddy." Spencer mumbled in his sleep.

Hotch chuckled. He reluctantly went to his room and took a quick shower. He got ready for bed and stole one more glance at his charge. Assuring himself he was okay he laid down and fell to sleep. The father and son slept peacefully that night.

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