Chapter 106: Phase 3 Double Elimination

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Hotch woke up with a groan. His head hurt. Well so did the rest of his body. A part of him prayed that this past couple days was all a bad dream and he'd been a coma. The other part was screaming for him to get out of bed to get his son back.

'Spencer. He needs me.' He thought.

He opened his eyes and saw he was in the hospital and JJ was sitting next to him.

"Hey you're awake!" She said.

"JJ?" He asked

"Yeah. I came here as fast as could to help. But when I got here the BAU was in lock down and then I heard that an agent was taken to the hospital. I figured that'd be one of you. So I'm guessing Strauss still has everyone?" She asked.

Hotch nodded. It was good that JJ was here. She could get the others back!

"We have to get them JJ." Hotch said.

"We will. I've got Kevin searching for them." She said.

Hotch nodded again. Kevin was like Garcia. Even though they broke up they still counted on him for jobs when an extra man was needed. JJ handed Hotch his clothes and he quickly got dressed. He and JJ then checked him out and left for the BAU.

Unknown location.

Spencer was the first to wake. He had the most god awful nightmare. He dreamt that everyone because of his mistake with the memory game everyone died because of him. He snapped out of his thoughts when Morgan brushed his tears away with his thumbs. He pulled the toddler into a hug. The others watched the two brothers.

When Spencer was calm enough he told them about his nightmare.

"Oh my snuggle bunny. That wasn't your fault. You were drugged before the game and you became dizzy with the lights." Garcia tried to reason.

"She's right Handsome. This is all on that bitch." Emily said palming the babys cheek.

He leaned into the touch. He needed his family.

"My my. How touching." Strauss said coming into the arena.

"So bitch. What do we have to do now?" Morgan growled tightening his grip on Spencer.

"Well todays match is Spencer against Rossi. Their game is chess." Strauss said.

Reid and Rossi looked at each other sadly.

"I can't play against the kid." Rossi said.

"I tan't pay against Wossi." Reid said.

"Too bad. You'll both play." She said.

A giant chess board where the ring was appeared. Reid and Rossi looked at each other. Rossi took Spencer from Morgan and held him tightly.

"I'm sowwy." He whispered. "I till love you."

"Me too kiddo. Me too." Rossi said.

He set the toddler down and he tottled over to the playing platform. He and Rossi began the match at Strauss's word.


"How's it going Kevin?" JJ asked hopeful.

"Not so good. Strauss's signal is bouncing off a ton of proxy servers. And I can't trace her cell anywhere. Hacking into her computer hasn't been easy either." He said.

"Keep trying." Hotch said.

"Yes Sir." Kevin said.

JJ placed a hand on his shoulder.

"We'll bring them home." She said softly.

"I know." Hotch said.

Unknown location.

Reid and Rossis match ended with Reid winning. Rossi was taken to the BAU.

The match that was taking place now was between Emily and Morgan. It was paint ball war. First to lose all three lives loses. So far they were tied with one.

Emily was hiding in one of the fake house in the paint ball town. Morgan was lurking around the 'street' trying to find her.

When he did find her they stood still and looked at each other. Emily lowered her weapon.

"Hit me." She said.

"What?" Morgan asked.

"Spencer needs his family yes. But right now he needs his big brother. So hit and be with him for as long as you can." She said.

Morgan hesitated at first but then did as he was told and hit her.

"Emily has been eliminated. You'll be taken to BAU as well." Strauss said.

Emily went with Strauss after giving the others a hug.

"The games are over for now. Get some rest." She said.

Morgan took Spencer and laid down with him. Spencer passed out for the time being. The poor baby was exhausted so Morgan and Garcia didn't blame him.


Emily like Rossi made it to the BAU. But she couldn't see where she was for Strauss had her blindfolded.

Rossi and the others were happy to see her. She told them what happened. With now an extra man, they continued the search.

They were hoping to find them before anyone else was 'eliminated'.

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