Chapter 60 - 'You want to taste some?'

Start from the beginning

Once he has all the information he needs, he navigates us both to the office.

Three loud knocks alert Reid that we're here, and a big part of me hopes that he's not in fact here, but sure enough, only moments later do I hear Reid calling out for us to come in, in reply.

I try and fight Kyle, mentally clinging onto the doorframe by my fingertips. I set my feet firmly into the ground, and just will my body not to move when he tells it to.

A surge of happiness goes through my body when my movement is stilted, and delayed as if I was just learning to walk again.

Kyle glares at me. "Hm."

I try to do it again, holding myself still, and after a slight struggle as if I was stuck to the floor, I move forward, opening the door.

When the room is showing, and I can see Reid sitting behind the desk in all of his glory, looking like the boss he is, I feel dread start to rush through me. I'm not ready to see what kyle has in store for him. He's already "killed" him, so I know for sure he's not going to hold back.

Reid stands up abruptly, surprise falling over his face for a second before it disappears and he returns to the normal, stony-faced Reid.

"Decided to surprise you," the Kyle next to me says at the same time he forces me to say it.

Reid walks around his desk, stopping in front of me. His hands reach out to my face, angling it just right before he comes in for a searing kiss. However, I don't feel the searing kiss in the pleasurable sense - it instead sears my lips as if branding it with a hot metal rod.

I want to scream out and struggle against him, my lips feeling like they're blistering, but Reid not aware of what's going on inside my head continues, Kyle making sure to reciprocate the kiss.

Kyle steps up until I can feel his presence right behind me. "You not enjoying it?"

I want to bring my elbow back and hit him in the gut.

"Make it stop."

"No, I won't. But you? We'll see."

The pain increases, and soon it becomes unbearable. I try to struggle even more, but I'm still not able to budge. My body, going into fight and flight mode, pushes my demon features forward.

Kyle appears in my peripherals and twirls his fingers in the air as if turning up a volume knob. The smell of blood overwhelms me, and I see Kyle's mouth pull up into a grin.

"Stay, good Scarlett," Kyle says, in the same tone I speak to Tybalt with. I want to lunge at him, but at this point, I've given up on even trying, knowing it won't get me anything I want.

"Stay," Kyle says, walking backward. "Stay."

He moves until he's out of my sight, and just as the pain and smell of Reid's blood are the only things I am aware of, I hear Kyle's voice push through the fog.


As if I was the dog he was making me out to be, waiting on his command, I move in a lightning-fast speed and sink my teeth into his neck.

Reid's familiar taste fills my mouth, for only a second, before the blood starts to burn my mouth, at an even more immense rate than my lips.

It should make me pull back, but Kyle keeps me still, feasting on Reid more ferociously if anything.

The pleasurable sounds that usually come from Reid when I choose to bite him, don't hit my ears. Instead, yells and grunts of agony fill the air, and Reid tries to fight me off. I hope that he's able to fight me off, not being under the influence of Kyle.

The thought makes me stop in my tracks. The last time Kyle did something like this, with Bianca, it turned out to be false. Would he be stupid enough to try and trick me again? Something tells me he wouldn't but, I don't want to allow him to get to me.

Is he double bluffing me? Or triple bluffing?

Don't get too worked up, I chant to myself like a mantra, hoping for it to be over soon. Reid should hopefully start to react like the cold-blooded gang leader soon... he must know something is wrong.

Reid scrabbles around in his waistband, and I would cry out in relief if I had control over my own mouth.

I feel Reid's muscles move in his neck as he clenches his jaw. "Please don't die. Please don't die," he mutters in a strained tone as he places the cold metal of the gun, even with it having been pressed against his warm skin,

My head is forced back from Reid, and I'm thankful for the break in the searing pain in my mouth, and my torture of Reid.

I see Kyle's hand over Reid's shoulder, held out in mid-air as if he just finished moving my head physically.

Gods, he's an asshole with a flair for the dramatic.

I used to love that side of him, but now, with him using it against me, I'm sure you can guess I hate it.

Reid's grip on the gun loosens, and I feel it retract from my stomach. I watch Kyle in fear of what he's going to make me do next.

His hand comes rushing forward, as if he just said 'boo' and I go rushing forward, snarling at Reid who doesn't hesitate and pulls the trigger. I hear a muffled loud bang and the familiar feeling of a bullet tearing through my skin.

Reid's facade slips, and I can see the pain that it caused him to do that to me. It makes my heart fall for him even more. He doesn't want to hurt me as much as I don't want to hurt him.

Behind Reid's crest-fallen face, I see Kyle's hand come up, and with a click of his fingers, I feel the control he had over me disappear. The scene in front of me stays the same, meaning that this was all real. As if he was holding me up by strings, my body slumps and falls forward. Having a bullet wound will probably not be helping either.

I cough, pain shooting through my stomach. Not knowing how long Kyle will leave me, because I do know for sure that this isn't the last of me seeing, and being controlled by, Kyle today, I rush to stand up and talk to Reid.

As I stand, and another shoot of pain goes through me, I ignore it all and dive into the bullet wound with my fingers, delving around until I feel the metal of the bullet. Hopefully, it's not hit any vital organs, because that will suck for the rest of the day. I speak as I do so, in a rush, but not before retracting my demon features.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. You did the right thing," I reassure, as I make contact with the metal, my voice coming out raspy and scratching my throat. I bring it out triumphantly and throw it to the ground. I rest my hand on his neck, moving his head so I can see the wound he acquired from my fangs. I breathe through my teeth when my eyes do finally rest on it, grimacing. "Sorry about that, here." I bend forward, licking over it quickly, healing it for him. His blood touches my tongue without it burning me, and I let out a groan at his taste. It feels good against my burnt lips and tongue.

"What happened... you're not-"

"I don't have much time. Look, I need you to get a mess-" The breath is pulled out of my lungs as a hand like force comes around my windpipe. I gasp, bending over, trying to pull in air to no success. I should have guessed he would be hanging nearby, just in case.

"Scar," says Reid, concerned. His hands come to my shoulders. "What the fuck is going on?" He pushes me up until I'm standing upright, and able to look over his shoulder to find Kyle standing there again, the feeling of him in my mind, having slipped back in. His hand is raised in the air, squeezed into a fist as it was earlier when we arrived.

"Gone," he makes me say, letting go of his hand in a flourish. He forces a smile to my face, before I feel the world around me change and disappear, as I'm pulled around the world.

"Where will we land?" Kyle taunts in the darkness, and when my feet finally do land on the ground, a swarm of dust from the mud enters the air around me.

"Ah," Kyle says, stepping forward into my line of sight next to me. Well, I'm glad he knows where we are!

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