Chapter Twenty Nine

Start from the beginning

"I have my reasons," Vivian said, "And I'm not wishing to share them with you."

"Vivi, tell us," I blurted. Vivian looked me in the eye.

"I'm in a bad mood because you are overreacting about something so stupid," Vivian replied before walking away.

"You are overreacting a bit," Charlie said when she saw my expression, "It was just a small thing that happened. Harry was just being nice and helping her. He probably is just making you jealous so you can admit your feelings to him."

"But why?" I asked crossing my arms, "I should be the one making him jealous."

"Yeah, that isn't a good idea. You're like a critic when it comes to guys. They need to have certain standards."

"I do not."

"Uh, yeah you do. When that guy that lives below us asked you out, you said no because he didn't have green eyes. Then when that one guy flirted with you, who moved out three weeks ago, asked you out, you said no because he didn't have curls. Now that is way to far, Aria. Way to far."

"No, I just don't like guys with blue eyes," I said looking to the ground.

"Niall has blue eyes and you kissed him," Charlie said.

"Niall is differen-wait, how do you know I kissed him?" I asked blushing. Before Charlie could answer, Louis, Harry, Liam, Megan, and Zayn came walking over. Charlie smirked.

"So, Kyla and Niall left for their date?" Charlie asked.

"Yep," Megan said, "They are so cute together."

"Yeah, they are," Louis looked at me with a smirk playing on his lips. I sent him a glare, along with Zayn when I saw that he was doing the exact same thing. How come Liam is the only mature one?

"So, why are you guys here?" I asked.

"Why do you always ask that when you see us?" Harry asked, "Maybe we were just walking by and thought to say hello."

"That isn't a good reason on why you're here," I rolled my eyes, "Besides, you can't all be here. I have work to do."

"So?" Louis said, "That can wait. It is time for fun. Not boring stuff."

"Work is fun to me, your definition to fun is boring stuff," I said.

"Only if Laura was here," Harry said, "You would love to have fun with us if she was here."

"Don't bring my little sister into this, Harry," Megan snapped, "She is to young to have you five rotting out her brain."

"You should tell Liam that, he is the one she loves," Zayn said. Megan glared at him.

"Not funny, Zayn," Megan said with an eye roll.

"I remember that time when we all got Laura to watch the Titanic," Louis said, "What fun that was."

"You let her watch that movie?! That is not for her age!" Megan screamed.

"Liam was the one watching us," Louis blamed Liam, while pointing accusingly at him.

"It was your idea," Liam retorted, "You were the one who said it was educational."

"Because it is," Louis mumbled.


You know how in the last chapter with Charlie and the tree? Well, that happened to me before. I was at my grandpa's house when I was eight and my half uncle wasn't home, so my grandpa let me ride his motor scooter. Well, my grandfather has these trees in his yard and I ran into one of them. I wasn't in trouble, but my mom yelled at me. My grandpa said it was fine. He put duck tape on the tree because it was cut in half. Today the tree is still there, without duct tape. It has this scar though, where I ran into it. 1Derful memories :)

In chapter 29 in TOD, they watch the Titanic. And Liam hits Zayn in the eye with the cupoboard, and Harry and Aria are all lovey dovey in it! :D But that isn't all, Lars is in it! 

I miss Lars...even though she is a fictional character. She is even older than me! I'm younger than 14...which may suprise some of you :) I'm in between 12-13. I'm 12 1/2 actually...and 2,194 days younger than Harry Styles! I did the math because he was born in February, and I was born in February...his birthday is on the first, mine is on the fifth, so I decided to do that!

I'm going to Florida with my family next week, so NO updates between Monday and dad isn't bringing his laptop, so yeah...

with more chapters to come, xoxo

-Kat :{) 

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