Marcel calls me, explaining what happened to Aiden wasn't my brother's fault, it was Dahlia's.

"I had a feeling, Niklaus didn't kill Aiden," I state.

"Thought you'd wanna know," Marcel tells me.

"Why would he take the blame? Because he's stubborn, and irresponsible, on top of being a bloodthirsty murdering lunatic?" I state.

"You doing okay, El?" Marcel asks.

I sigh. "It's... pack morale isn't exactly awesome right now. Jackson's heartbroken..." I look over at a nearby wall, where 'J.K., A.L., O.R., 2005' is carved into the wood. "Aiden was our friend."

"You're a leader who cares for her people. I get it! Right now, you're a leader at war now, you can either be their friend, or their queen, but you can't be both,"Marcel tells me. I sigh. "Alright? These wolves, Jackson? They'd die for you. Question is, are you going to let them? If the answer's 'yes,' then you gotta live with that," Marcel offers.

I bite my lip anxiously. "When did you become so wise, Marcellus?"

Marcel chuckles. "I guess I picked it up at some point from your crazy family."

I hang up the phone and turn my attention back to Jolie. It's not fair that she has to go through any of this. Her family should not be the ones causing her harm. When I hear a commotion outside I head out to investigate. I can hear Elijah and Jackson going back and forth.

"And speak of the devil," Elijah states.

I walk towards the two. "Elijah. You shouldn't be here."

"We have another plan. Rebekah and Davina found a way. If we can replicate Jolie's magic, we can lure Dahlia into trap," Elijah explains. I nod my head. "After which, I'll kill her myself." Elijah, who has been glaring at Jackson this entire time, finally turns so he can face me. "All we need is a vial of Jolie's blood."

I look at Jack and he doesn't seem to like the plan. After a moment I turn back to Elijah and nod my head. "I'll give you her blood. I'm trusting you, Elijah."

"And when we know Jolie is safe, you can return to where she belongs with family," Elijah offers.

After I gather some of Jolie's blood, Jack takes her back to the hideout. I go to hand the blood over to Elijah. I look at him. "I'm trusting you, brother. This may be the only chance we have."

Elijah smiles slightly. "I promise you, Else, I will get rid of Dahlia. Jolie will be safe."

I nod my head before turning to leave. I head back to the hideout. Jack is playing with Jolie. He has Jolie's stuffed wolf in his hands, and he makes it dance in front of her face, much to her enjoyment.

"The pack's gathering for the funeral. They're just waiting on one more," I tell Jack. I run my fingers over the carved initials on the wall. "You, Aiden, and Ollie used to hang out a lot here, huh?"

Jack smiles. "In a way, we were like brothers. Always looking out for each other." I smile as Jack takes a deep breath. "Else, before you came to New Orleans, our pack chose me, not just to lead them, but to stand for them. We've lost too many to the Mikaelson's this year, and Elijah wants you to go back to them when this is all over. But, I can't live under Klaus' roof and be the Alpha this pack deserves."

I look at him worried. "What are you saying, Jack?"

"I love you, and Jolie, and I'll honor our vows always. But, I need to know who your family is. If you want to go back to the Mikaelsons, I can't go with you. If they really are your family, then I gotta protect my own," Jack states. I can feel the tears in my eyes. Jack smiles weakly before kissing my forehead. "I'll give you some time to think." Jack leaves to join the rest of the wolves.

I never thought I would have to choose between Jackson and my family. Then yet again I never thought my daughter would be in danger because of my family. I thought my family would always be the ones to protect her.

I head out to find Jack and the rest of the wolves. They are gathered with torches for Aiden's funeral. Aiden's body has been wrapped in a white sheet and laid on a handmade boat. I find Jack standing next to him with tears in his eyes. I walk over to him and intertwine my fingers with his, before kissing him.

"I don't need time, Jack. I have spent my whole life with my siblings. Wherever we went mayhem and havoc has ensued. I finally found someone who has given me a reason to be better. To step away from my family and grow. Now I have this pack. We need to do right by them, starting with Aiden," I tell Jack.

I turn when I hear someone approaching. It's Josh, who looks devastated and uncomfortable as the werewolves surrounding him and look at him suspiciously. Several of the wolves stand in his way so he can't come any farther.

I look at Jack. "I told Josh where he could find us."

Jack heads towards Josh and the wolves. "Let him through!" Jackson holds his hand out toward Josh, who shakes it with his own.

Josh kneels beside Aiden's body to say goodbye. He brushes a lock of Aiden's hair off of his face and kisses him on the forehead before standing and addressing the wolves. "I never thought much about the whole immortality part of being a vampire. Suddenly, forever feels like a really long time."

I clutch Jack's hand and look at him sadly. Josh, looking devastated, walks over to us. I give him a big hug. Jackson kneels next to Aiden's body and covers up his face with his shroud while the rest of the Crescent pack watches mournfully. Jack and Josh push the boat with Aiden's body into the river before Jackson throws a lit lighter onto the boat, setting the boat up in flames and giving Aiden a Viking funeral. Nick and I walk up to Jack and put our arms around them. We watch as Aiden is sent off.

After Aiden's funeral, Jack and I prepare to leave our hideout with Jolie. I step away from a moment needing to make a call. As expected Elijah doesn't answer his phone. I guess it is easier this way.

"Elijah... I'm calling to say goodbye, to you and Bekah, and Nik because I know they are listening. Jolie and I will always be Miakelsons, but for now we can't be a part of the family. All Jolie's life, our family has tried to destroy her. That can't be my little girl's story." I pause for a moment. "Family is supposed to love you. Even if she is free of Dahlia's first-born curse, Jolie would still be my daughter. She'd inherited a thousand years of enemies, all his anger and rage... I don't want Jolie to be a Mikaelson, all the pain that comes with that name... She doesn't deserve that." I sigh. "Once Jolie is older, we will come back. Once she can protect herself. This isn't forever, Elijah. Goodbye, for now."

I return to the pack. I pick up Jolie and hold her close to my chest. All this fuss over such a little girl. Jack continues to pack up our stuff. Suddenly, a large crack of thunder and lightning rumbles overhead. The sound frightens Jolie, and she starts to cry.

I look down at her. "Hey, shh. It's okay." I hear another crack of thunder. "We'll be okay."

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