Frank Iero x Reader - Keep it to Yourself

Start from the beginning

"You have a weird way of reasoning," Mikey shook his head, "but I'm afraid you're right."

They grew quiet as Frank jogged past them again, this time with a tube of sunscreen in his hand. When you saw him you threw your hands in the air, and rolled your eyes at him, but laughed.

"Yep, we need to set them up," even Ray eventually agreed, "They'll never get this done on their own."



The following days were hectic and loud, and you hardly found time to calm down for a moment. There were only a handful of shows left. While you loved working for My Chemical Romance, and going on Warped Tour with them, you started feeling worn out. The long days under the burning sun were exhausting, and there was always someone who had instructions for you or wanted you to do something more than was your job. You helped where you could, since you liked the job, but you also really started looking forward to the moment you could sit down in peace.

The exhaustion which the physical work was causing you was undeniable, but at the same time your heart and mind were also tense.

Of course you had noticed pretty early into the tour that you liked Frank. He was pleasant to be around, he always looked out for you, was chaotic and sweet at the same time, and overall just exactly the kind of person you liked. Trying not to get yourself into any trouble, you had told yourself it was not anything important, and so you had ignored the way your heart started hammering in your chest, and the way you got all shaky every time he walked up to you. It felt like an invisible string was connecting the two of you, pulling you closer towards him, but then again he was a very attractive man, probably everyone who was into men felt that way about Frank.

If it had only stayed at that, everything would have been fine, but when there were only seven days of tour left, Gerard, Mikey and Ray started behaving weirdly. They always made jokes about how great of a boyfriend Frank would be, about how caring and sweet he was, about how the two of you would be such a cute couple.

These words confused you more than anything. Of course you knew they meant nothing; that the three men were just teasing Frank and you, but for the first time, you allowed yourself to imagine what being with Frank would be like.

And your stupid heart took that as the signal to break silently every time you merely thought about him. He was a rock star, thousands and thousands of people looked up to him, and felt the same tight feeling in their chest when they thought about him, and you were just one of them. You were not any different from them.

Had you told this to Frank, he would immediately have listed a thousand things he loved about you. The way you smiled so sweetly when he did something stupid, the way you rolled your eyes at him when he was being silly, how you ran your fingers through your hair when you were thinking... He adored the way you looked, your character, your smile, your jokes, and when you pretended to be mad with him. Everything about you was perfect to him, but he did not get aware of it until the second last show.

It was late already; the show MCR should play was the last one of the evening.

Backstage the four band members were joking around. Ray and Gerard were doing their vocal warm ups, and Frank had just finished fiddling around with his guitar, when he suddenly heard Mikey mention your name. Obviously Frank immediately listened up, trying to overhear his friends, but at the same time unable to fight the jealousy in his chest when he heard his band mates talk about how pretty and clever and sweet you were.

Had he really thought you were only sweet to him? Had he thought you would ever pay special attention to him with the other three around? It was well know he was the short, chaos-causing one. Why should you like him if there was someone around like Gee, with his pretty face and all his drawing skills, or Mikey, who was super funny once he warmed up to someone, or Ray who was so incredibly talented and skilled in everything he did? The answer was obviously that you would not like him, and that idea alone brought angry tears to his eyes.

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