Luke grabbed my shoulders and pinned me to the wall. "Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you!" he roared. 

"Get off!" I mustered enough strength to send him a step back. He just retaliated, angrier, he pushed me against the wall violently.

"Don't forget who you're talking to." At that moment I remembered every single bad thing that he had ever done to me and I wanted to scream. I put my hands on either of his wrists trying to relieve some pressure from my bare back that had bricks digging into it.

"Fuck you! Get off!" I yelled. This caused Luke to put one hand on my neck and start squeezing. I felt the pressure on my neck and I knew he was trying to do more than scare me. I could barely get any air into my lungs.

I lifted my leg and tried to kick him but he dodged and put his other hand around my neck. My heart sped up and I started getting dizzy. He kept squeezing, his nails digging into my neck with me pressed up against the wall. His eyes were empty. No emotion. His face had twisted into a very sadistic look that had me scared.

My feet started lifting off of the ground. My eyes widened and started watering. I was getting close to no air into me. My bare back was getting grated by the brick wall I was getting pushed up against. My feet were dangling and I was holding onto his wrists trying frantically to get free.

Suddenly the pressure around my neck was gone and I fell to my knees spluttering and gasping for air. I clutched my neck where Luke's hands had just been and then looked up to see Riley standing over Luke who scrambled to his feet revealing his bloody nose. He threw a punch at Riley but missed. Riley was about to hit him again when Luke landed an uppercut and Riley wavered.

The boys punched the living daylights out of each other. Grunts and thuds, blood on their faces and fists. I was still catching my breath. Luke spat out some blood before speaking.

"I guess you must be the bitch's keeper." he barked. Riley glared at him. "You should've let me put her down. I was doing you a favour." Luke's words cut deep. 

"I'm going to rip your fucking head off!" Riley bellowed. One punch sent Luke to the ground. Luke clutched his jaw and laughed. A sick and disgusting laugh. Riley let out an animalistic growl and I scrambled to my feet. I stood between the battered and bloody boys facing Riley. "Jolene, move." he said roughly. His eyes were a dark brown meaning that Angelo was only seconds away from making an appearance. I shook my head vigorously. "Jolene, move so I can kill this mutt!" he grabbed my arm about to pull me away.

"Don't!" I said quickly. I shrugged his hand off of my arm and put my hands on his beautiful but now bruised face. "Don't do it. He's not worth it..." I spoke softly and gently. He was still breathing hard.

"The bitch has got you on a leash." Luke piped from behind me. Riley's eyes flashed black and I knew he was gone. He gently pushed me aside before turning his attention to Luke. Luke's little comment got earned him a kick square in the face. Luke's head bounced off of the pavement before Riley took a fistful of Luke's t-shirt and started bashing away at his face.

"Riley, stop!" I yelled. Nothing. "Please, stop, Riley!" I was about to cry, for what reason, I don't even know.

Luke had gone limp but the fists kept hitting is blood covered face.

"Angelo!" I screamed. The hitting paused and his head turned slightly towards me as if he was waiting for me to say something more. "Stop, please." I was letting the tears fall freely. He looked back to Luke and he let him go. Luke hit the ground and lay there motionless and bloody. I couldn't care less about him. I watched Riley turn and I was certain that Angelo was pissed. The look in those black eyes told me that he wanted to kill.

I went over to him and tugged on his hand. "Come on, let's go." I coaxed.

"I should kill him." he spat. Standing a few inches away I could still feel his crazy body heat. I put my hand on his cheek.

"Calm down, just breathe." I watched him close his eyes. Riley was obviously looking to get control again. "There we go." I whispered.

He opened his eyes and I was so relieved to see them in all their amber glory. I really didn't want to get on Angelo's bad side.

He scanned my face, he wiped away a tear with his thumb.

"Let's go home." I choked out. Riley took my hand we walked away. Leaving Luke unconscious on the pavement. He was a werewolf, should be awake in a few minutes.

A few feet from where the fight happened, our food was scattered on the road.

So much for a night of celebrating.

A/N So like I tried to make this chapter a little interesting. Please tell me what you guys think!

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