Chapter 34 - In Sickness

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"I'll just put your bag in the car, gorgeous. Go have myself a smoke. The flight isn't leaving until four, so take your time."

Norman leaned over and smooched me gently on the forehead. Trying carefully to avoid the godawful baby shit, yellowy-brown bruise covering most of it.

"Keep bending over in front of me like that, mister? My puckered lips will be landing on those butt cheeks of yours instead of a Miami runway, sho'nuff."

"You must be going blind in your old age, Meeka. Can't you see the 'Reserved'  sign plastered all over it? That awesome honour belongs to my Skip only!"

He winked at me, then growled in warning. Tilting my face up so I've got no choice but to look into his eyes.

"I'll be home in a couple of hours, sweetheart. Behave yourself! "

"Yes, dear...."

I give a tiny smile in return before he pinched my nose. Then grabbed Meek's suitcase and strolled out.


Meeka placed a coaster down on the coffee table next to me. Plonked a huge glass of iced tea on top of it, along with some biccie snacks and a banana.

I hunch forward slightly as she plumped the cushion behind my head. Re-arranged the throw rug over my legs then perched beside me on the edge of the sofa.

"I wish you'd both stop fussing, I'm not an invalid. And I'm perfectly fine....honest."

"Give Seth and everyone a big kiss from me. To Manu as well when you arrive in Trinidad. You're all going to love it at his villa. Have an awesome holiday, Meek."

"I'm so sorry it was delayed. You shouldn't have done that for me. But I really appreciate you coming to help."

I move to hug and kiss her goodbye. Only she pulled back....and gave me her  look.

"Now you listen to me, Mrs Reedus....and stop pissin up a damn rope! As if I'd leave to go anywhere  without makin sure you're Ok first. And it's about time someone else looked after you  for a change."

"If Norm and I wanna hover and fuss? Then we're gonna fuckin hover and fuss. So shut it!"

Her finger wagged itself at me, like Puppy's little tushy when he gets excited.

"Fin, how long have we been besties....sisters?"

"Ummmm?  One year, eleven months, two days and an hour give or take. Why?"  I ask, baffled at the look on her face.

I know exactly  how long. Because it was only a couple of hours earlier than that. When Norman first gate crashed into my life.

Not that I'm like....obsessively keeping track of time or anything....

"Nearly two years, huh? And in all that time you've never lied to me....not a once. Oh, you've kept some things to yourself. We all do, so I can't knock ya for that. But ya ain't never out and out fibbed to me."

"Ya ain't perfectly fine!"

"I ain't talkin about here and here....I'm talkin about in here. And seeing ya like this? Well, it's enough to bring a tear to a glass eye. Why won't you tell me what's goin on, hun?"

She waved her hands over my still-battered body before gently settling a palm on my chest. Feeling the wobbly sigh that fills it and releases slowly.

"I want to, I really do. But I can't. Not yet. I just need to...."

A Convenient Wife - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang