Chapter 15 - This Glorious Union

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The look Fin's giving me now is the one I'd seen on her face numerous times during dinner that night. Whenever Eddie or Unc pushed her buttons the right way.

Nearly sealed my lips together, cos I'd bitten them so hard to stop laughing.

Fingers crossed I'm gonna be on the receiving end of that look a shitload more from now on, eh?  🤣

"Look Fin, I...."

She closed her eyes, held up a hand then gave a couple of barely there head shakes.

Stopped me dead in my tracks that did.

"For the last week? I've had the Marriage Defence Council running rings around me on your behalf. Even my bestie Meeka has been calling me daily to give me a serve....and she hasn't even met you yet!"

"And what I just did to that girl regardless if she asked for it or not? Well, I'm kinda feeling everything big-time right know?"  She continued in a distressed and very wobbly whisper.

"I'll let you give it your best shot as well, Norman....I swear! But not here. Not now?"

"Please don't think me selfish or precious? But can you....can we  just have the remainder of this mostly  beautiful day out? Have lunch, a few more beers and a nice ride home. When we get there, then we'll talk about it."


Fin's voice isn't quite begging....but it's not too far off from what I can tell.

Those opalescent eyes tentatively open again. To see me furiously nodding my head while at the same time, grabbing another beer glass....holding it out to her.

I let out a huge sigh of relief when she gave a grateful little smile in return and took a sip.

Well and truly deserve the mental kick in the balls I give to myself.

When I went and visited Unc so I could get Fin's contact details? He told me he's been 'trying to get the feckin little eejit to see sense'.

Didn't know he was actually part of a larger tag I've just stupidly tapped into once more.

No wonder the poor girl is almost at the end of her tether!

Still, I take some heart in the fact that she's willing to talk to me about it. Shit....that she's still talking to me at all. Especially now!

"This one tastes awesome, Fin. I've never met many girls before who really like their beer, what gives?"

"I'm an Aussie and part Irish, so it's kind of obligatory. Don't drink it all the time but I enjoy it when I do. Why do you hate horses?"

"Dunno, I just do. Almost put off taking a part once because I had to ride one. But it was Redford directing so I made myself get over it."

"Nah, gotta be honest....faked it badly actually. Damned nag almost got me fired. Had to do it again filming the Dead, but luckily they gave my character a bike after that."

From there on, we just kept talking our butts off. And it felt like a balance had been restored.

Our food was delivered by Geri and a male server, no Candy thank heavens. Fin finally got her cutlery....and her carbs.

Makes for a nice change? Having lunch with a girl who's actually keeping up with my every mouthful. And not just pushing a bit of kale or a carrot stick around on their plate.

It's awesome as well that Fin didn't get embarrassed, fuss or try to correct my not-too-polite  table manners. In fact, she pretty much outdid me in the finger licking stakes!

A Convenient Wife - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now