Chapter 27 - To Love

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"Hurry up, me little divil! I wanna get to the set a bit earlier today. To prep for my read-through....remember?"

Norman rapped on the window of my little home office. Grinning evilly when he saw me jump in fright.

"Hold your feckin horses, Daggy"  I mutter back under my breath.

Clicking send on the email before sprinting into my bedroom next door.

"Bye-bye, Eye. Be a good boy and keep your drool off my pillows!"

The little black furball leaned into my ear scritch and kiss. Before stretching and settling into sleep yet again.

I now have one more male in my life, who takes great pleasure in hogging my bed on occasion. Like father, like cat.

Grab my backpack. Then slam the front door behind me and jump the three steps from the porch to the flagstones.

"Bout time, Skip. I...."

"No need to repeat yourself, dear.  I ignored you perfectly well the first three times. You said be ready to go at seven AM....and it's six fifty-four precisely. So suck it!"  My mouth blows a raspberry in his general direction.

A real husband, one who knows he's cutting wires at random on a homemade time bomb? Would quietly step back....and re-evaluate the situation. Before disappearing.

Mine simply whacks me on the butt. Gives me the finger and smirkingly tells me to 'get my gritchy ass on his bike'.

Ok. I'll grudgingly admit....that right now? He could be forgiven for calling me a grumpy bitch. But I think I can be forgiven also?

Especially after the week I've had so far.

And if you possess a crystal ball that'll give an insight into what's going down in an hour or so? Well, I reckon you'll all be sending a few commiserating 'feels'  my way too.

Sure hope so anyways....because I'll really be needing them  🥺


We flew home from London, where Norman had to attend a Comic-Con over the weekend. His fourth one in the five months since we've been married.

I'm very used to the program by now. A couple of days having pics taken with fans, plus a round of autographs. Then a few Q & A panels with other friends from the cast and crew.

When Daggy finishes his work commitments for the day we stretch our legs a little bit. Wander around for a while then have some dinner before he collapses on the bed.

This weekend didn't score as high as previous outings which was a blessing. The 'uberfans'  who recognised me as I sauntered around the convention, still made sure I was in earshot though. When they bestowed upon me:

6 x fucking bitch(s);

4 x That's the whore Daryl got hitched to; and

2 x I thought she was pregnant? I mean, that's the only reason he would've married her after all!

And I only had to come over all 'ahem, that's my husband you're attempting to devour'  just once. Think I did an Ok job this time? Indirectly too.

She was probably in her mid-fifties and with her husband if you can believe it?

Felt so sorry for him. Watching on in embarrassment as his wife had herself a brain fart. Almost self-combusting from the friction as she tried to rub herself all over Norman.

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