Chapter 35 - And In Hell....I Mean Health

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Chucked the potatoes back in their container. Picked up the bags of Halloween goodies and other stuff from where I dropped them. Then stand at the kitchen bench.

Staring unseeingly out into the gathering dusk....with a huge grin of satisfaction.

Had a hunch she's just been waiting for Meeka to leave. Then she'll tell me.

That she's planning on doing the same and why. Some of the why's anyway. Maybe not the most important one though?

What Skip isn't aware of, is that I already know. And by 'know'  I mean....


The look on her face when I dropped my first little bombshell was priceless. I'm just going to give her a few moments to let the announcement sink in. Before I go back in there and finish what I've started.

Ok....Ok!  I know what you're all thinking.

After all she's been through, why the hell are you toying with a cat does a mouse?

Well, it should come as no surprise to anyone by now? That I'm a riddle, wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. Better known to the world as Eejit Norm, eh!

For better or worse, I came up with a plan then set it in motion. And no matter what I'm gonna see it through.

Because the scariest thing I've wanted for so long now....depends on it.

Mom kept begging me to never give up hope. To not let my demons convince me that what happened between her and Dad, then me and Hel? Is everyone's fate.


That one day, a certain someone will eventually come tumbling into the Norman-verse.

Someone who'll be brave enough. To actually love me for every fucked-up, weird, awkward, unconventional and most times....downright oddball bone in my body.

Ummmm  that's my own trait analysis by the way, not my Mom's. Though I'm sure she agrees with my self-assessment....sometimes.

"Darling? That girl will look at you with something different in her eyes and you'll recognise it straight away. A light that you've never....ever seen before in anyone else's."

"And no matter what? Those eyes and her smile will always tell you. That you're  everything she's  been looking for, her  entire life."

"When....not if....but when that happens? You  must be brave enough to accept her love. That it's really real and totally unconditional. And allow yourself to love her back without fear. Not because you feel you have to. But because you truly want to."

I got brave just like Mom said I would. Fell so head over heels in love with Fin that I never wanna find my feet again....or recover my balance. And I grew those balls like Mel ordered me to. Told Fin I loved her. 

Now, I just need my little mouse to find her own bravery. And roar!

So I can tell her again.


I stumbled out of the hospital entrance with the piece of paper clutched in my hand. Shakily lit up a cigarette.

My heart had wedged its terrified self back into my mouth again. While my befuddled brain scrambled frantically for an explanation as to....why?

"C'mon, dickhead. You're the one who gave her all the reasons why"  I yelled, kicking the driveway kerb before flopping down on it.

But there has to be more to her deciding to leave than just my stupid mouth? Maybe it's not what I'm thinking at all. Maybe....something's happened back in Australia and she has to go back for a while?

A Convenient Wife - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora