Chapter 41 - Do You Take....

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"Skiiiip?  What're you doing? Fuck me! Is that what I think it....OH WOW! "

Norman skidded to a stop in the living room of the hotel apartment.

His mouth opened so wide I could park a semi-trailer in it. Reckon you can hear the 'boiiiingggg'  of his eyes bouncing....clear across Tokyo.

"Hey, Daggy. Busy day? I overheard you say to Mad's last week, how you'd kill for just a simple home-cooked meal. So I thought I'd put the kitchen here to good use. The supermarket down the road is amazing, had everything I needed."

"Hmmmm, so you didn't think you might've needed  some clothing to go with that apron maybe?"  He smirked, throwing his helmet and jacket onto the sofa before planting himself on me.

"DOH!"  He muttered in disappointment.

When he tugged it away from my chest. And spied the strappy little number I have on underneath. 

If he'd investigated further? Then he would've noticed something else that'll make up for me being....overdressed in his eyes  😜

"I'm really sorry, sweetheart. That we haven't had any time just to ourselves for ages now. And cos it's our last night together, I was gonna take you out for a special farewell dinner or something."

"But this is way, way  better. Thanks, baby. What can I do?"

His eyes sweep happily over the table in the dining nook. The candles are flickering gently over the place settings....just two of them.

"Norman! Why are you apologising, you big silly? You've been flat-tack with work, promos and all that. Can you get the stuff out of the oven while I go wash my hands?"

I breathe out a little sigh of relief though.

That he seems keen to stay in tonight and not hit the town? I wanted to surprise him but was worried something unexpected might come up with work. Or another last-minute invite that he couldn't politely turn down.

"Can't believe the time has gone by so fast. It only feels like yesterday when you arrived and now you're leaving me again. Awwww  yum, Colcannon. And are they....fucking pasties...."  He yelled out with excitement, finally spotting his favourites.

I finish up in the bathroom then lean against the door jamb of the kitchen. Biting back my giggles.

Like an over-eager kid, my feckin eejit stuck his finger into the piping hot mash. Trying to scoop some into his wide-open gob.

Then went flying over to the freezer. Ripped the lid off a tub of ice cream....burying said finger deep.

Can almost see the steam rising from it as he hops around mouthing....


"I don't have  to you know. Leave tomorrow? If you want me to stay, I can always change my flight to anoth...."


His emphatic screech is almost ear-splitting. And he spun around to see my dumbfounded look of shock at his outburst.

"Shit! Sorry, Skip. Didn't mean to yell, I thought you were still in the bathroom. I know I want you to stay here for sure. Would love nothing more."

"But you got your own life to live now, sweetheart. I can't be selfish and expect you to keep dropping everything just for me anymore, huh!"

"And we're behind on the game anyway. So I'll be putting in double time to help out Hid. Plus you've got more wedding stuff to do with Bridezilla....and...."

A Convenient Wife - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now