Chapter 17 - For Better

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"Hello, darling! Is something wrong? We only spoke a few days ago....not that I'm complaining mind you."

You know when you're a kid and you fall over, scrape your knee or something? Your little face screws up while the snotty tears flow. And your wails bring that one special person running.

They wipe your eyes, kiss the boo-boo better and then you're off on your holy terror ways once more. Feeling like you've survived a raging blizzard. And can now conquer Everest a million times over.

Hearing Aunt Ninny's voice is always the equivalent of a boo-boo kiss. And for a brief moment, I feel like Sir Edmund Hillary.

"Ummmm  yeah, nah nothing's wrong. Did Kami and Gramps arrive safe last night?"

"Eventually, thanks to the usual plane delays. Such a shame, you just missed the boys. They left for the cricket not twenty minutes ago."

"So it's just you and Kami then? Good, that's....good. Ummmm  can we WhatsApp maybe? It'll be nicer to speak to the both of you together. Say, five minutes?"

We both hung up and I tried to use the time to think about what I'm going to say to them.

Because in the five hours since Norman left? I've done everything humanly possible to NOT all. In fact, I've uber cleaned the whole apartment from top to bottom and front to back. Even though it was pretty much spotless to begin with.

I gave up and lay down in bed with my tablet then hit the join button. Doesn't matter if I think about what to say, I'll just bugger it all up anyways. So I may as well just get the whole lot out there and be done with it.


The two beautiful and much-loved faces of mother and daughter are pressed together as they both blow kisses to me. Touching the screen as if they're trying to wipe away the tears drizzling down my cheeks.

I do the same when they wail up a storm as well....

It's been nearly six months since Kami was last in Sydney with Aunt Ninny. So long since I've seen her, spoken to her online.

And I've felt every bloody second of it.

Eventually, we all calm down. I see they're both snuggled up on my old bed which makes me smile. Because it's where Aunt Ninny and I always shared our big talks.

We start chatting about what's been happening back home at the station, how the long drought has finally broken. This year's muster which has topped all records. And Gramps recovery after a recent fall from his horse.

Then Kami cut in....

"Your mouth is talking, my little Yindi. But your eyes say you've got a different tale to tell. Are you ready to speak of it now?"

I nod, and tell as much as I can. Because this is one story that doesn't have an ending as yet.

They were both pretty quiet. In fact, they never interrupted once. Even when I finished they still remained silent.

"Do you like him? Does he make you laugh? Is he a good man, you trust him?"  Kami's eyes are shrewdly intense as is her voice.

And it kind of throws me quite a bit. Especially when my responses of 'yes'  to everything are so immediate and dare I say it? Completely lack any hint of doubt whatsoever.

"He's a very  good man, true blue"  I'm fully convinced of that.

Nearly faint though, when upon hearing it? Kami simply nods.

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