Chapter 46 - Constant Friend and Partner

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Fin finished telling me how she was gonna go back to Georgia. Wait for me to come home then force the truth out of me one way or another. So she'd get some sort of closure, no matter how painful.

And finish up everything else she had to do, properly this time. Not run away from it all again like a coward.

Her words, not mine. My feckin little eejit is way braver than she thinks she is.

Then she whispered how she'd held onto the belief....hope....that I hadn't lied to her after all. That maybe, I'd just somehow convinced  myself that I was  actually in love with her?

'Gave me an out, so I wouldn't be the bad guy in this whole debacle after all? Oh Jeez, Skip'  I thought, holding her closer and trying even harder to hold onto my composure.

She's shaking like crazy now. Trying to hold onto hers while I stumble my way through every brainwave and brain fart of mine.

Starting from the exact point in time we got back from our second honeymoon....when I set all this in motion. To when I got on the plane for Australia.

Think I managed to re-affirm my true feelings for her right from the get-go. What with my stately arrival. And ever so eloquent if slightly furious declaration of eternal love?

Once I managed to get my stomach out of my mouth, the old heart down to a normal beat and a bucket full of dust outta my mouth that is.

I glance over to where Fluffy  is still soppily glued to Fin's nag and give him some grudging kudos. Like Win once very wisely said....'some good actually does come out of hating horses'.

Ok, so he wasn't actually doing his darndest to kill me during the endless gallop to get here. That prick was simply trying to get to the side of the love of his life....same as me.

"Norman Mark Reedus!  I want you to sit here very quietly while thinking long and hard. Cos you have exactly five seconds to give me the single most important reason why...."  She snuffled into my neck as her words grind to a halt.

Why I love you?

Why I can't live without you?

Why I'll give my life to make you happy and safe?

Why I need your love more than I need

Why you love me?

Only one  most important reason? Jeez, Skip....give me a fucking break!

I had about a million of em to try and prioritise BEFORE  today. And now I've got about double that  😁

Fin pulled herself away from my grasp. Placed her hands on my chest and shoved me back until I'm lying prone in the dirt again.

"....why I shouldn't feckin take Mr Happy. Wrap him tightly around your bloody neck and choke the living shite out of you!"

Oh, that  why  😣

Threat notwithstanding I'm still relieved beyond comprehension. Cos it means the bumpy road to forgiveness has opened to traffic once more.

"Wow, Skip. I've seen you kinda frustrated, annoyed, sometimes gritchy and a bit pissed off with me before. But I think this is only the second time you've actually been angry with me?"

"Gotta tell you, sweetheart. It's a bit of a turn-on. You look so fuckably cute right now."

Ok, maybe I should've left it at that and not topped it off with a wink and lip lick? Maybe the cute was a bit too....?

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