Chapter 39 - I Share With You....

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Skip keeps telling me how much she loves my morning mouth.

But I can attest to the fact that hers is faaaar superior  😋

First coherent thought to run through my brain. Since the blood started seeping back into it once more.

The Sunday morning thrum of New York bouncing around in my ears is a good indicator that I'm getting my hearing back too. And now? Here comes almost regular breathing....thank fuck!

When my eyes open I squint down the length of my still-quaking bod. To see my wife snuggled between my legs, gazing back at me. She licks her lips slowly before they widen into a Cheshire Cat grin that matches the look in her eyes.

It's like watching a film clip running on repeat. Cos this is the exact same scene I woke up to a while ago  😁

Her hair is tousled and tumbling over my thighs. When she rises up, starts climbing over my swings down and tickles my skin.

Swear I can hear her purring. Only it turns into a croon of bliss when I wrap her up in me and roll us over.

"Was I snoring again?"  I whisper into her lips, tasting the 'uh-huh'  I get in response.

"Gotta remember to do that every single fucking morning then. You want breakfast in bed? Oh silly me, that's just did. Eh, me little divil!"

When her mouth opened to retort I dived in and my tongue went to war with hers. She conceded defeat and victory is mine for a few glorious minutes.

"How did I get so lucky?"  I muse out loud, smirking and pecking her on the nose before rolling away.

"If it's the serendipity of your early morning wake-up call that you're speculating over, dear? You don't know how truly  lucky you are."

"Why's that, Skip?"

"I tried to suffocate you with a pillow first off. Only you had to go and buy the bloody smother-proof ones, didn't you?"

"Yep, I'm a safety-first kinda guy. S'pose we better get up. We have calendars to sync before you leave. Ummmm....forgotten something sweetheart?"  I prompt coyly when Fin climbs off the bed and walks into the bathroom.

Her hand snuck around the door jamb and I got the one-finger salute in reply. Not exactly the answer I'm expecting, but I'll take it  🤣

Nearly backpeddle when I step out onto the balcony to light up. Haven't acclimatised again to the blast chill of the mid-winter after the steamy heat of Georgia and Cuba.

Still, coming back here is worth it.


We had ourselves an awesome Thanksgiving at Win's. Then an even better Christmas dinner a couple of weeks ago at Meeka's.

Cos that's when she and Seth announced their engagement.

Man....I thought Skip and Eddie could cry up a happy storm? It was nothing compared to Hel when Meek begged her to be a bridesmaid too!

Maybe next time? Everyone can come down to our place in Georgia for one of the holidays. Fourth of July perhaps? The more I thought about it, the more excited I got.

My head holds heaps of plans for the year ahead. Just have a bit more thinking to do before I start planning and organising. Then eventually....letting Skip in on them.

I knocked back all the invites to New Year's parties. Wanted our first one together to be just me and my girl. Kissing in the start of our  new year, together. Amongst the hoopla and confetti of Times Square.

A Convenient Wife - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now