Chapter 8 - Something Blue

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It's Monday and normally I'd have been in the office for a few hours already.

However Clive Grainger, the company's owner....cornered me a few weeks ago. Insisted I take Friday and today off.

Make it an extra  long weekend.

"You haven't had a time-out since you started, Fin. You've been working like a demon to get the newest system done and dusted. And I'm well aware of all those unpaid hours you've been putting in at home as well."

"Don't look so shocked, young lady. I know how to read access logs too, just so you know!"

Clive made me feel so very welcome from day one and I love going to work. Not just because of what I'm doing or my workmates. It's mostly because of him.

He isn't just my employer now, but my mentor and friend as well.

Wagging his finger at me sternly, Clive broke into a grin. Tapping me on the nose as if I'm a naughty puppy. I gave him a sheepish smile in return and conceded defeat.

I'm very grateful for the time off, but still hugely embarrassed. At having been caught out by the big boss  😳

Didn't think he'd noticed me working extra, as he seems to be a bit distracted lately. Probably on tenterhooks, waiting to hear if he's won the huge tender the company submitted a while ago.

He must've gotten some news about it? Because he rang me and asked if I wouldn't mind coming into the office this afternoon.

"Sorry, Fin. I know I put my foot down and insisted you have a break. But something's come up and I need to chat with you about it. Will three PM suit? You'll still have most of the day to relax."

Relax? What on earth is that? Bahahahahah!


I almost power walk the fifteen blocks between my place and the park. So I can try to warm up a bit. My teeth are chattering so much that I sound like Woody Woodpecker.

It's colder than a witch's tit today!

Don't know how those silly eejits can sit here for hours on end, day after day. And not freeze their hip replacements to the benches.

I thought last winter was a doozy. But this one is shaping up to be a 'WHAT DAFUQ?'  of epic proportions.

I quietly sneak up on them.

They're all concentrating hard, as if what they're doing is a matter of life or death. Wait patiently until the winning move is made before making my presence known.

"You wanna know something, gentlemen? You'll all get laid more often if you stop fiddling with your pawns."

"FIN!"  They all chorused.

I was immediately engulfed in an avalanche of damp, woolly coats and the smell of pipe tobacco mixed with Aqua Velva.

"I'll have you know, my little minx....that I play around every  day"  Mr Eglese gave me his shameless grin.

"Tony....turn yer ears up yer daft eejit. Fin said laid not played!"  Unc roared at his own joke.

"New batteries. And I heard you perfectly well the first time, Dolcezza! "

Mr Eglese whispered this in my ear while tapping his hearing aid. Smiled again and winked cheekily, making me burst into howls of laughter.

"Come, Fin. Sit, motek....sit."

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