Chapter 12 - Holy Matrimony!

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If you're currently clinging to the ceiling by your fingernails? Shaking in terror at the almighty screech that's just shattered your peace and quiet? Not to mention your eardrums?

Then please accept my sincere apologies. was just me. The scream that is....sorry  😖

Win stuck a finger in his ear and shook his head before grimacing. Because Hien has started echoing my outburst from his crib upstairs.

"Look, darling girl. It's simply a business proposition....a partnership actually. Yes, that's a much better way of explaining it. A partnership where you both reap the rewards. And it's only for one year."

"ONLY?  What the....? I can't believe you'd even think for a single second that I'll contemplate...."

I shot out of the lounge chair as if I'd been fired from a canon in a circus tent. Stalk my way through the now-clean dining room and shove open the kitchen door.

Nearly concussing the three heads that were obviously glued to the other side of it.

As they stumble backwards, three pairs of stunned eyes alight onto one pair of clearly frenzied ones.


"What did I tell ye, Norm me boyo? Feckin harpy!"

Unc grinned evilly as Eddie sidled out of the door. Muttering something about....

"Should've made it two grand....I'll never get him back to sleep now!"

"Norman? I'm sorry....really I am. I think you're a lovely man and I'd like to help you out. But it's's just impossible. It was nice to meet you properly anyway. Ummmm, good luck....bye."

Without thinking I reach up. Kiss his cheek hurriedly before turning to Unc and doing the same.

"I'll see you Sunday, Unc. Will have your meals ready for the week. Thank you for dinner, Win and please say goodbye to Ed for me. Sorry, but I really must be on my way."

"Lovely, hold on a minute. I know it's a bit of an ask but can't we just....?"

"Fin, I'm sorry. I should've talked to you myself, sweetheart. And not asked Win to...."

"What the feck has gotten into yer? Can't yer see this is nothing like what....? Silly little divil! "

Their voices and footsteps tried to keep up with me as I rushed headlong into the hallway. Snatched my bag off the little side table and wrenched open the front door.



Beseeching voices are cut off completely as I slam it behind me. Charge down to the corner, all the while fumbling with my phone and the small card. As my feet slide over the icy sidewalk.

"Hi Lou. Are you free to take my fare? Yeah, the East 74th lady. Two minutes? Fantastic, I'll be waiting on the Park Ave corner. Bye....Ooooffff! "

I roll over in the deep gutter drift. Scraping hair off my face and puffing snow out of my mouth. Before diving a hand back into the slush to retrieve my phone.

By the time I get back on my feet? I'm soaked to the skin and shivering up a storm. Plus wishing desperately that I'd gone to the loo before Win asked me to join him.

A Convenient Wife - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now